I had MEL-DEL-YVR-YYC and return booked with AI. I made the initial booking over 10 months ago. There are a few gotchas however - a 13 hour layover in DEL outgoing, and almost 24 hours on the return; DEL-YVR use the old AI 777 with 2 2 2 seating in J and lots of broken seats (was due to be refurbished in 2024, but that has been postponed - maybe in 2025).
I did grab these mainly as placeholders looking for something better. MEL-SFO-YVR-YYC opened up last week (MEL-SFO with UA) so I grabbed that. In the interim, DEL-MEL was changed to DEL-BKK-MEL with TG by AC with layover reduced to 7 hours. It's still 14 hours in a clapped out 777 but I can just about manage this as it's a daytime flight. However I'm still looking for a better return to open up in the next 3 weeks.