Can credit card annual fee be waived if you have a mortgage


Junior Member
Feb 8, 2023
Hi fellows,

I was told by my broker that if I apply for credit card issued by Westpac, I can ask Westpac to waive my credit card annual fee as I have a mortgage with Westpac.
Is that true? What I’m after is the credit card sign up bonus. Do I apply for the credit card issued by Westpac, make the minimum spend, wait for the bonus points to land in my account, and then call them to request annual fee waive? Have anyone done this before? Many thanks in advance.
It depends on the mortgage product you have. I was with another bank which waived the fee on one card. So I took out the card that gave 90000 bonus points and kept the card for a few years, with no annual $395 fee.
Check with your bank.
It depends on the mortgage product you have. I was with another bank which waived the fee on one card. So I took out the card that gave 90000 bonus points and kept the card for a few years, with no annual $395 fee.
Check with your bank.
Make sense. Bank is the source of truth.
Westpac may provide you with a complimentary credit card (can be one you already have with then or a new one) on certain Home Loan packages. Its included in the annual Advantage Fee (or whatever they call it these days) which typically provides offset account, credit card (choose a points earning one), redraw facility, professional discount off the variable interest rate etc.

Of course because there is an annual package fee, whether it is really free or not is debatable but it wont be extra.

All of the big 4 will have something similar.
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Certainly worth asking or maybe shop around.

I’ve had a NAB Private package for years, in addition to discounts on mortgage rates, it includes a free VISA Signature CC (normally ~$295) plus a Platinum VISA Debit with no international tx fees (normally $10 per mth or something!).

Alas, I didn’t get the “sign up” bonus on the CC…😔
I recently applied for one from BOM and it came to fee free owing to my mortgage with St.George
ANZ wouldn't give me sign up points but would waive the annual fee if I wanted a credit card when I changed my mortgage product already held with them recently.
Okay. A quick update. I applied the credit card without asking for waiving annual fee. I have received the sign up bonus and so far I haven’t been charged an annual fee. (Westpac

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