I need help from you clever informed souls with this matter.
Even though I rarely do it I have a need in future to obtain a $25,000 cash advance from a branch of a major bank.
The cheapest credit card for this type of transaction seems to be a Westpac card.
Westpac charge a Cash advance transaction fee of 1.5% Max $50.
However , Citibank charge 2.7% No Max which on $25000 would be $675.
Westpac charge the fee on the "Current" balance, that is the balance taking into account uncleared funds as not part of the balance.
Does anyone know of another bank which uses the "Actual Balance" ,
that means they include the uncleared funds.
Or, alternatively a better method of getting a cash advance using credit card.
Even though I rarely do it I have a need in future to obtain a $25,000 cash advance from a branch of a major bank.
The cheapest credit card for this type of transaction seems to be a Westpac card.
Westpac charge a Cash advance transaction fee of 1.5% Max $50.
However , Citibank charge 2.7% No Max which on $25000 would be $675.
Westpac charge the fee on the "Current" balance, that is the balance taking into account uncleared funds as not part of the balance.
Does anyone know of another bank which uses the "Actual Balance" ,
that means they include the uncleared funds.
Or, alternatively a better method of getting a cash advance using credit card.