You picked up an interesting scenario Albatross710
You are correct usually 157 turns around to operate 156.
However on that day 156 was operated by the aircraft that operated CX103.
This aircraft diverted to CEB and then onflew to CNS. The flight then unusually extended to BNE under the same moniker.
So CX 103 which usually operated HKG-CNS performed HKG-CEB-CNS-BNE
19/10 2146 departed HKG on schedule
20/10 0055am diverted to CEB - did not look planned as the aircraft overflew CEB for some time before turning around
20/10 1426hrs departed CEB - so possibly a mechanical fault? And allowed crew rest
20/10 2056hrs landed CNS
20/10 1040hrs departed CNS
21/10 1224hrs landed BNE
21/10 1323hrs departed BNE as CX156 and then only approx 30 minutes late. A few minutes earlier it would have qualified as an non delayed departure under the standards of this thread.
The aircraft prob picked up some passengers from CNS and the rest from BNE. At BNE the turnaround time was under 1 hour. Not often seen for an A330-300. I speculate that at BNE it was a fuel topup, pick up passengers and their luggage and re cater plus pilot checks, reprogramming of flight computer possibly crew change?
Melburnian1 can all this be done in under 1 hour?
Even the splash and dash (fuel pickup only) by White Roo's LAX-MEL flights have a longer than 1 hour ground time. (Pilot checklist and reprogramming the aircraft would take significant time Im sure)
Additionally this highlights the clear benefits of a 24hr airport operation.