MNL airport used to be closed between 0130 - 0330 daily for runway maintenance.
However at present it is apparently closing at midnight. One problem with the 5J MEL - MNL thrice weekly schedule is that with 5J50 due into MNL at 2315, it has come very close to being diverted to CRK (or elsewhere) more than once. My source suggested MNL reopens at 0600 each morning but that doesn't appear correct as FR24 shows many flights arriving or departing at 0500 if not before.
On Thursday 10 January, 5J49 (0600 hours MNL down to MEL) is expected to depart an hour late as only the shorter runway 13/31 seems to be in use. This will cause severe delays.
UPDATE: 5J49 (RP-C3348) departed MNL at 0636 hours, so not quite as bad as expected, and was airborne at 0710 for a 1746 hours MEL arrival, 56 late.