Credit card for Star Alliance ff points?

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Dec 17, 2002
Does anyone know if there is an Australian credit card to earn frequent flyer points through Star Alliance? Diners Club and Westpac used to have Global Rewards for Ansett, but are there any others now? I noticed that there seems to be millions of different airline credit card programs in the US...any for Australian residents at all?
Both Westpac Visa and Amex have points you can transfer to Air NZ. Amex also allows you to convert points to Singapore Airlines and Thai, however the transfer rate is 2 Amex points = 1 FF point. With Air NZ (and Qantas & Malaysian) the transfer rate is 1 to 1.
dajop said:
Both Westpac Visa and Amex have points you can transfer to Air NZ. Amex also allows you to convert points to Singapore Airlines and Thai, however the transfer rate is 2 Amex points = 1 FF point. With Air NZ (and Qantas & Malaysian) the transfer rate is 1 to 1.

May not be valid for long, with any luck NZ will be part of OneWorld by the end of next year.
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