There always seems to be plenty of credit cards that you can sign up for, to obtain extra sign on points. However, I have noticed that the offer usually does not apply to existing card holders and they cannot take advantage of these points.
So my question is - if you are say, an existing Amex card holder, and you're eyeing that 50k points sign on bonus that Amex is advertising, then what are your options?
Do you cancel your existing credit card and then wait, and then sign on to the new card? If so, how long do you wait? Does this wait time apply to all credit cards? Does this make you a 'new' customer?
Or is it a case of 'tough luck' and once you have your Amex, for example, then there is no option of reapplying for a new one to get the bonus points for the a new card? Or do companies like Amex behave differently in this example to the banks? Will a bank allow you close a card and then reapply for a new one to get the bonus points?
So my question is - if you are say, an existing Amex card holder, and you're eyeing that 50k points sign on bonus that Amex is advertising, then what are your options?
Do you cancel your existing credit card and then wait, and then sign on to the new card? If so, how long do you wait? Does this wait time apply to all credit cards? Does this make you a 'new' customer?
Or is it a case of 'tough luck' and once you have your Amex, for example, then there is no option of reapplying for a new one to get the bonus points for the a new card? Or do companies like Amex behave differently in this example to the banks? Will a bank allow you close a card and then reapply for a new one to get the bonus points?