Re: possibly a buffer damage.
You must know, proverbially speaking, how to dance so to speak with the buffer.
Up right
Down left
A tiny hand movement, to move it along, just like a "relationship".
Make a wrong move and it all comes down in a heap, heh, just like QF.
If you hesitate, maybe that is what caused the visual damange, yes, that can happen, if you hesitate and then let go, the machine is supposed to stop, but it will for a few secs spin by itself.
Dance with it, and it will perform nicely, make a wrong move, and yes, damage or injury can happen.
VH has been in the job for a few months, now, and it seems nothing has improved, or changed.
It takes about months to master the thing, in her case, the job of CEO, but nope...
I just dont know Re: VH in the QF CEO role, maybe what some on here have said, that she is just a figure head, and nothing will change, is probably true.
She could have done a lot, but nothing seems to have improved.
Not only in your case, Cloud9, but also like, eg, bring back the QF & QFF call centers to become call centres.