Just wondering in regards to the EK Chauffeur Service Pick-up Time
online you are only able to book for a max of 5 Hours prior to flight,
does any one have experience arranging a pick up for earlier that 5 hours
prior and if so how do you go about it?
Am looking at around 7 hours prior to Melbourne departure.
Also does anyone know which company operates the Chauffeur service in Melbourne and
their contact details?
Thanks heaps
Just wondering in regards to the EK Chauffeur Service Pick-up Time
online you are only able to book for a max of 5 Hours prior to flight,
does any one have experience arranging a pick up for earlier that 5 hours
prior and if so how do you go about it?
Am looking at around 7 hours prior to Melbourne departure.
Also does anyone know which company operates the Chauffeur service in Melbourne and
their contact details?
Thanks heaps