Hi GuysSo flying Singapore to Mel in about 2 hours time and in the lounge as i type this.I have a PremEcon fare booked, and put upgrade request on. About 6am this morning i went to check my booking and saw my flight had changed from Prem Econ to the BUsiness (U) fare and i selected seat 22B.I get to the airport, and they print my ticket as a seat in Prem Econ and say the flight is full and thye have no record of awarding my upgrade !?!?I looked on Expert flyer, the Business cabin seems full, but theres 2 empty seats in First. Would they have cancelled an upgrade wthout notice to sell another business fare? Can anyone see the loads on this flight? I know i didnt pay for BUsiness, so cant complain all that much as i am getting the seat i did book, however still a bit bummed!