A HAIR test? What on earth? Never mind, I googled it.
the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy states:
I'm not sure I'd put much store in that.
But this brings me back to my biggest bugbear about naturopaths. It's always guaranteed that if you go to a naturopath they will tell you to give up wheat and dairy. Always. I don't know anyone who's been to one and not been told that. And you will always lose weight on an elimination diet as you generally have no idea what to eat. The first week I did FODMAP I lost 5kg because I was so sick and I was afraid to put anything in my mouth that would make it worse. Put it all back on as soon as I figured out what was "safe" too. I actually do follow one on FB, but that's because everything I ever saw him write in the FODMAP FB group was based on his readings of actual scientific studies, and agrees with all the actual medical science that I know.