Hi there!
I just signed up to this website, how come it's taken me this long to find it? Fantastic!
What I was interested in was getting a good FF program credit card as I don't currently have one :shock:
Some things that would be useful - I am not worried about caps, and I would prefer a low fee/low interest rate card if possible. Can anyone help me? There seem to be so many options out there. I had a trawl through a lot of posts but some of the info was a bit old.
Thanks a lot,
I just signed up to this website, how come it's taken me this long to find it? Fantastic!
What I was interested in was getting a good FF program credit card as I don't currently have one :shock:
Some things that would be useful - I am not worried about caps, and I would prefer a low fee/low interest rate card if possible. Can anyone help me? There seem to be so many options out there. I had a trawl through a lot of posts but some of the info was a bit old.
Thanks a lot,