Sarks. Maybe Alan Joyce wants all the cheap grog to himself, well the Irish Cream at least.
Seems a bit odd that a fairly complex company like an airline would forget something like that, especially one that helps customer experience and perhaps even make a buck. Pretty silly to cut out 200kgs just to save fuel when the profits would make up for it and the image of good customer service does to the brand. Oh well, guess the accountants have taken over and run the company now- figures too since they say they're losing money on International flights.
Maybe they still have smaller goods and gifts/toys in lockers and suitcase/s. Surely for kids etc.
Could be transitioning to a smaller or different trolley design, or perhaps the bay gets taken up by more meals now for long flights. Nah. I'd say they're wanting to save weight and instead adopt a "Order before/now and collect later during flight" type system completely & just store the popular items on board in lockers & pack those extra ones that re pre-ordered online. No staff required to do the dreaded hawking.
Anyone know if they get commission on the sales anyways? So perhaps it's a bonus privilege and they WANT to do the DF trolley run. Don't know, doubt it. Perhaps the service is discontinued as people complain of selling or it's just not profitable anymore as people rely on the land stores that have proliferated to even outside airports.
What are good buys on there anyways? I've always wanted the die cast models of the planes but don't want to carry it around. And they're probably cheaper at toy/hobby stores. What does everyone normally buy? Grog is heavy and perfume is cough, but if you must, it's probably cheaper elsewhere.
Anyhow perhaps on your gate ticket they ought to give a warning or notice that no Duty Free is available on that flight, not just to save the alcoholics from going into a frenzied panic, but if one is planning on getting gifts etc or tools like cameras, pens etc to actually use in flight or upon landing. Oh well, just another way airlines could improve with a simple software code update, but won't. Surely if the computers can run yield management software codes, they can add this feature. Would be surprising to see how many flights don't have DF trolleys.