Thanks, I had seen that site a while back but assumed it wasn't relevant as it is a UK-based site and has specific links to Australia/Asia (the pages I referred to above that are out of date and don't work properly).
However, having just dug a bit deeper in the UK site than I did last time, it looks like it might be worth a try anyway. In their FAQ they say:
Who can apply for the US dollar or euro card?
We welcome all UK and International applications for the Euro and Dollar Card. Your application will be assessed based on the information you provide in your application.
Assuming it did work, I've still got to work out if it's actually worth it for me. I have a fair bit of ongoing USD and EUR spend and currently have USD and EUR Visa cards with no rewards attached.
I decided a while back that was a better bet than using AUD cards and getting points but getting whacked for sometimes around 5% forex costs.
From this UK AMEX site it looks like the rewards are 1 point per USD or EUR spent - which given the current exchange rate to AUD is not particularly attractive. (1 EUR = 2 AUD, and would get 1 point on the EUR card but up to 6 points on AUD card e.g. with current Earth promo). There's also the additional USD/EUR annual card fees to take into account.
Too hard, too many cards already :shock:
Are Aussies just particularly lucky with our card offers, or does anyone know of an international card offer that is close to or better than the equivalent of 1.5 points per AUD spent? ... Ideally one that an Aussie could, in theory, apply for.. I don't mind jumping through considerable hoops but don't fancy changing my citizenship or residence for the sake of a credit card