Only so much you can do with the space you have. The issues at PER are much more the fault of the airport operator than any of the airlines.
I don't think people will be quick to blame an airport authority more than an airline, and why should they? You don't see Virgin complaining about the airport operator, so Qantas is the only baby throwing toys out of the cot?
An extra aerobridge was added.
One! *golf clap*
I don't know. I travel through it several times a year, and I find it quite an improvement from where it was. Certainly they have a way to go until it could really be described as fit for purpose, but the issues are slowly being addressed.
Slowly is the word there; really slow is the reality. It's not as if QF have had years to address this in a more upfront manner.
An improvement, yes. On a scale from -10 to 10, they progressed from -9 to about -3 if they're lucky.
Begs me to think whether the Perthites, even on this board, find their airport acceptable. I'd be very surprised if they say yes.
Of course QF will last 4 years. Come October, most PER-MEL flights on QF will be A330, with a couple of 767s and the odd 73H dotted around the timetable. They're in for a fight, sure, but they seem to be quite willing to bring in the big guns to defend their turf.
QF have been pledging more regular 333/332 flights on SYD and MEL routes for
ages; the equipment swaps have been ridiculous. And why do QF put 738 aircraft on C2C (except possibly for ADL, ASP and DRW) - ridiculous. VA are going to beat them to full wide bodies on C2C; that's beyond embarrassing for QF.
With VA having a like-on-like schedule and all wide bodies, that gives them more capacity to rip traffic off QF. Once the new terminal comes online, they will have a lot more capacity to step up schedules with more wide bodies. QF can't squeeze what little viable aircraft they have at the facility, let alone they are also having a crisis of load and yield. That pool of viable aircraft is dependent on getting 332s back from JQ (and that's a damn slow process so far), and I don't know if QF can viably put more 747s on the route (let alone whether the 747 C2C experiment has actually been successful - it's damn old onboard equipment).
Big guns? I ain't seeing it. And with a gutless, ethically-challenged board of directors, I don't see it any time soon.