When you charge eg $US or $HKD etc to your Credit card, you normally get stung a few % for the forex conversion fee.
If your card is later credited with a refund, do you get stung again with another round of coversion fees?
Is there generally a difference if a transaction is reversed rather than a general credit back to the card?
If specific card/bank matters, it's a CBA Visa. I've looked through the "Important Information" conditions type brochure, and although it talks about forex conversion fees for purchases doesn't mention anything about refunds.
If your card is later credited with a refund, do you get stung again with another round of coversion fees?
Is there generally a difference if a transaction is reversed rather than a general credit back to the card?
If specific card/bank matters, it's a CBA Visa. I've looked through the "Important Information" conditions type brochure, and although it talks about forex conversion fees for purchases doesn't mention anything about refunds.