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No I wouldn't.  If it was really egregious, I would go over and politely ask them to turn it down or use earplugs/headset.  I've done that a couple of times (in international J) and worked completely once, still audible another time.   If it was just annoying, I'd ask a FA to see if they could get the pax to be more considerate.  Again, couple of times that's worked, others they either didn't, or were ignored.  I would then go to CSM and complain.    At that point, there is nothing else I can do, except put earplug in, which I would resent having to do.

BUT I would not simply ignore the boorishness by (trying to) ignore it.  Letting anti social behaviour continue "because it doesn't bother me" in almost any circumstance is a slippery slope and will probably end in greater tears at the end.

Umm omitted the other part of that comparison, which was the point.   Auditory or olfactory 'intrusion'.  You consider the second maybe assault or even battery, but the first tolerable and ignorable 🤷‍♂️
