I posted a while back about buying one of these bags and where to get not online (as qantas charge $15 postage). Well they appeared in the luggage stores at Syd and Mel airports about 5 weeks ago. They are around $35, and comfortably hold and iPad 2 and cover, set of noise canceling headphones, an iPhone and blackberry, spare AAA battery for headphone, has pocket for boarding passes etc and a little pocket inside. I have found the bag to be extremely handy, having used it for just day trips to Sydney etc to international legs where I dont want to have to get up to get all that stuff in flight, as it fits into pocket in seat, (they make you stow when in 80a etc on A380) but easy to get at from that seat anyway.
Anyway thought I'd share this tip, as from Qantas website it's impossible to tell what you could actually fit in.
Anyway thought I'd share this tip, as from Qantas website it's impossible to tell what you could actually fit in.