I've noticed over the past few months that there is a difference in the calculation of SCs for fully flexible Y fares.
If domestic, then the fare rule states:
Classed as Economy when Points or Status Credits are earned.
However, if international, then the fare rule states:
Classed as Discount Economy when Points or Status Credits are earned.
From my research, it would appear that the only way to earn full SCs for an economy fare is to fly Premium Economy.
Has anyone else noticed this? Has it ever been thus or something new in the past few months?
If domestic, then the fare rule states:
Classed as Economy when Points or Status Credits are earned.
However, if international, then the fare rule states:
Classed as Discount Economy when Points or Status Credits are earned.
From my research, it would appear that the only way to earn full SCs for an economy fare is to fly Premium Economy.
Has anyone else noticed this? Has it ever been thus or something new in the past few months?