Ok, i'm going to go straight to the throne on this one, the design of the bathrooms. It drives me nuts when they make the cubicles so small, for ladies especially, here we are, handbag, onboard trolley and a toilet cubicle the size of a broom cupboard. In order not to leave your bag unaccompanied as per requirements you take it with you, so.... you enter the cubicle, the door clears the edge of the loo by about 3 inches, the sanitry disposal thingy is down one side of the toilet, so you wedge yourself in next to it but then you can't get your bag in too, so you have to lift it up and hold it over the toilet and close the door, then you can prop it up against it and partake of the throne moment, then go thru the whole thing again to get out. Why do people make the cubicles so small???, please consider, were travelling, can someone at least take a bag and work out enough room to get in and out with it easily without having to stand in the loo or be a contortionist please. And making the entrances door free is great, then you don't have to juggle it all again to get in and out, love those S bend entrances that are wide enough to just walk on in. I do wish I was a bloke sometimes when I travel, wander in, park the trolley, most times don't need to approach the throne, stand up for the whole affair and out in a couple of mins. Ok, over to the rest of you to comment. Thought it might be a timely discussion since i've seen the "We are upgrading the Lounge" signs in Melb several times recently.:mrgreen: