That is a lot of SCs - the joys of living in Perth, we don't have the advantage of easy "hops" up and down the coast for status runs like our Eastern States friends! Thankfully hubby and I were able to take advantage of the double SC offer that came out in December and then again with the second targeted offer, otherwise there's no way I would have reached Platinum nor would hubby requalify for Gold (which will happen after I kindly do a status run to MEL and back for him LOL).
Yes, the PER-BQB run can be handy, and flexis go for anywhere between about $230 to $270 depending on the time of year. I've done that run twice - once with hubby, once on my own, and you do get a few quizzical looks from the staff at BQB airport, as there's almost a 3-hour layover before the return flight to PER, so for me it's been a matter of sitting in the terminal and keeping myself amused with a good book, doing magazine puzzles etc (not a smartphone or tablet owner

) Having said that, the BQB terminal staff are delightfully friendly and have offered us cups of tea/coffee during the long wait!
The first time we did that run was before VA took over Skywest and flexi fares booked through Skywest at that time earned Business Class SCs, so a lovely 80 SCs each for the return trip, but alas now it's only a total of 40 ... although at least now they count as eligible sectors!