It's always difficult to keep up with who surcharges and doesn't surcharge for credit cards when booking travel. Perhaps a thread like this is a good place to keep tabs on what is happening. Here are some examples:
Rental Cars:
Hertz - 0.8% on all credit cards in Australia.
Qantas - $7.70 (domestic) / $25 (international) per booking.
Virgin Blue - $3.50 per guest, per segment (domestic), $6 per guest, per segment (international).
Jetstar - 50c surcharge onboard for food purchases, $3 domestic bookings, $5 international bookings.
Rental Cars:
Hertz - 0.8% on all credit cards in Australia.
Qantas - $7.70 (domestic) / $25 (international) per booking.
Virgin Blue - $3.50 per guest, per segment (domestic), $6 per guest, per segment (international).
Jetstar - 50c surcharge onboard for food purchases, $3 domestic bookings, $5 international bookings.