Hey guys,
I'm sure I know the answer to this, but thought I'd check anyway. I've got an Australian issued AMEX but I'm living in Europe at the moment. I'd like to setup a European PayPal account as they accept AMEX over here, but PayPal keeps rejecting the card. I assume because its an Australian issued card.
Does anybody have any expirence with this sort of thing? Or know of any European PayPal type of thing that will accept my Oz AMEX?
I'm sure I know the answer to this, but thought I'd check anyway. I've got an Australian issued AMEX but I'm living in Europe at the moment. I'd like to setup a European PayPal account as they accept AMEX over here, but PayPal keeps rejecting the card. I assume because its an Australian issued card.
Does anybody have any expirence with this sort of thing? Or know of any European PayPal type of thing that will accept my Oz AMEX?