Here's a report back of my experiences.
We had to bring the trip forward, Mrs AN*G had to return the day before us.
BNE-ZQN, DJ code, DJ metal
DJ boarding passes were issued, but only showing Velocity Silver for mine, despite the fact that I had been Velocity Gold for a few weeks now. Getting my number removed and re-entered made no difference to the BP. Mrs AN*G and Master AN*G did not have any FF details entered, having no affiliations with DJ or partners. We were still allocated 3ABC, and given priority baggage tags, on the basis of the printout I brought along showing my Velocity Gold status. Unfortunately, that printout wasn't good enough for the NZ Koru lounge at BNE, despite Mrs AN*G (who is LH SEN and TG*P) being recognised by the usual lounge agent. Wouldn't accept our *G cards either, which was fine and expected Surprisingly though, out of curiosity, we tried the SQ lounge, with the DJ passes and our *G cards (TG*G and A3*G for me, LH SEN & TG*P for Mrs AN*G, and A3*G for Master AN*G), and perhaps feeling a tad confused by the DJ/SQ collaboration, and being faced with 5 *G cards, we were surprisingly and unexpectedly welcomed in. I'm sure that was not supposed to happen...
Flight was fine, and having the extra space of row 3 (last row of Y+, sold as Y but reserved for DJ-Gold) was welcome. The cabin supervisor came up and personally introduced herself and welcomed me as the only DJ-Gold on the flight (see - they can get it right on the manifest, but not on the BP!), and offered a few extras during the flight.
ZQN-AKL, DJ code, NZ metal
NZ boarding passes were issued, with an NZ flight number. Initially, mine was showing FQTV DJ-xx_xx_xx_x DJ-Silver, and when I asked the check in agent about lounge access and showed the printout of my account status, she tried to delete and re-enter my Velocity number. Again, no difference - it was stuck on DJ-Silver. We were allocated 5EF though, in the Space+ seats on the new NZ A320 with mobile service and in-flight internet. Up at the lounge, again, I showed my printout. Master AN*G volunteered that we were also *G, but I told the lounge agent that I wanted this flight to credit to my DJ account as I would get miles and status credits on DJ with that fare, but not on NZ or any other program I was a member of. After a bit more typing, we had 2 new boarding passes, mine showing FQTV DJ-xx_xx_xx_x TG*G and Master AN*G's showing FQTV DJ-xx_xx_xx_x A3*G - but with MY DJ number on his BP as well. It's obviously possible for them to put in the DJ number into FQTV and the Star Alliance program details into FQTS. Now, to see if this flight credits to my Velocity account.
AKL-BNE, DJ code, DJ metal
We had to wait 30 minutes for the DJ check-ins to open. As with the outbound, DJ boarding passes with DJ-Silver were issued, but seats were allocated in Row 3 (3E and 3F). At the AKL international Koru Lounge, the printout showing the Velocity Gold status was accepted without question.
On-board, Y+ was completely empty, but all 6 seats in Row 3 were occupied (3D was an NZ*GE, and 3AB had NZ*G carry on baggage tags, and 3C had a DJ-Silver tag). Again, the cabin supervisor came over to personally introduce himself, and offer a newspaper. I asked if we could move to an empty row after takeoff, pointing out that Rows 1 and 2 were empty, and we were already in Y+ seats in Row 3. This was politely declined - company directive that no Y guest could move into Y+ at all - which I was quite happy about - whenever I do pay for Y+ on DJ, it would be nice to know that the Y+ distinction was being preserved (and I did notice it being policed quite well, with the odd Y passenger who tried to sit down there being chased back very quickly. He did offer us row 4 (which was completely empty) though for either us, for 3D to move into, albeit with slightly less leg room. Now, both Master AN*G and myself are short, and 3D was much taller, so Master AN*G and I moved back into 4D and 4F right after cruising altitude was reached. At every interaction, I was called by name, and in response to my query, I was told that I was the only Velocity Gold on the flight, with 4 NZ*Gs well. Express Arrival cards were handed out to the 5 of us.
Also worth noting: no priority boarding was called at any time on any of the 3 flights.
So, that's my experience with how the integration is going at present. Definitely getting there, but still needs some fine-tuning and polish.