I bought a return VA ticket from Mackay/Brisbane/Perth for a friend whose mother had died. The Perth part cancelled, and another flight 14 hours (?) later offered. This was completely unsuitable as the trip was just for a weekend, and time constrained by work commitments.
So, having the Perth section effectively cancelled, my friend flew back on the remainder of the booking, the Brisbane/Mackay leg, to get back for work.
The entire booking cost about $1700. I also bought her son a ticket from Brisbane to Perth for around $1500, which was cancelled, being the same flight. That was refunded in full less $80 (will challenge that, but irrelevant).
My friend's flight was given a refund of merely $500. They claim because she used the Mackay/Brisbane part (obviously Mackay Brisbane now costs $1200!). My argument is that the Mackay/Brisbane legs were only taken in order to travel to Perth, so were worthless in themselves if the Perth legs were cancelled. I'm angling for a full refund, plus potentially accommodation and travel costs in Brisbane.
Note that I booked the flights only about 4 hours before the Brisbane/Perth flight, so this wasn't exactly an old booking. I'm also very annoyed with their policy of waiting a month to tell you if you'll get a refund for partially cancelled bookings. When told you'll get it, they DON'T tell you how much, leaving you to monitor your CC statement to discover the amount. I'm certain that this is a deliberate ploy to make challenging it more difficult.
Anyone know what I'm actually entitled to, and how to go about getting satisfaction if VA refuse, which I'm certain they will?