Hi folks,
This is my first post so there's anything wrong with it. I'm sorry for that. Please bear with me.
I'm being an Amex AU memeber (Explorer at first, then downgraded to essential, and currently have QF discovery) since 18 and my partner's platinum started since 19.
The facts:
This is my first post so there's anything wrong with it. I'm sorry for that. Please bear with me.
I'm being an Amex AU memeber (Explorer at first, then downgraded to essential, and currently have QF discovery) since 18 and my partner's platinum started since 19.
The facts:
- My card shows member since 18 (of course) and my partner's platinum shows since 19 (of course as well)
- I have an additional platinum card under his account. The card shows member since 18 (yes!)
- What if I cancel my primary/the only account (QF discovery) with Amex, does it affect my member since year on current additional platinum card? (physically it cannot change the date printed on card in my hand, but what's next time I order a replacement one?)
- What if I open an account with Amex again in the future (within or not within 18 months), will the original member since 18 shows as it is or it will be the year I open a new account?