My First Time as WP and an F Lounge Run

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Dec 30, 2006
I'd finally done it. I made Qantas FF Platinum. The intention after a small hype was to stick with Gold, but after booking a JQ special in Star Class, thinking about my next year of travel and realising how close I was to WP anyway, I thought, "To hell with it, just get it." So another booking of a TT later and a very crazy flying schedule was realised. The antics related to that part of the trip is in another report.

Flying the flights for WP was one thing. Getting QF to give me the status credits and finally the status in quick order so that I could get into the F Lounge was another. And I needed to get that status by 14/02. And I really didn't want to put up with any of this "14 business days processing time" cough. My plan and one guest who wanted to do the F Lounge run depended on it!

What started as an idea for WP months ago materialised into the flights and a F Lounge run just before the FT AGM (since there were no good F Lounge flights that would suit for the AGM day). All that was needed was for me to get the required WP status in time. A twist of fate saw Flashware join the run along with Skoogle who provided guest access.

Enough rambling! Onto the report...

I Just Want The Pictures!

If you just want to scan the pictures, search for the string {PIC}. If you repeat this search, you can scroll directly to each picture in the TR. To search for pictures with Freddie Jr in them, use the search string {FJ}.

Please note that I only have pictures of Freddie Jr starting from 13/02, not before that. I couldn't find a good place or time to take a picture of him in Pinjarra (and probably wouldn't be all that interesting anyway!).

Not all the pictures I took are in this report. Feel free to visit my FT Picture Album to see more pictures, including full resolution versions. The most interesting ones are here, of course.

Cast of Characters

  • anat0l - the newly but hastily crowned QFF WP
  • Bundy Bear - an eager guest to the F Lounge
  • Mal - a WP requalifier on a run of his own
  • Skoogle - arm twisted F Lounge runner with great BBQ skills
  • Flashware - stood up at Tetsuya's but found something better in an F Lounge run
  • Freddie Jr - ever silent witness to the madness
  • straitman and Sue Oz (FT) - Freddie Jr's new caretakers and heading on a much deserved trip

Flights in this Trip Report

[b][U]Date   Flt    Sector   Dep   Arr   A/C[/u][/b]
08FEB  QF651  BNE-PER  0905  1325  738
13FEB  QF566  PER-SYD  1615  2225  333
14FEB  JQ35   SYD-MEL  1515  1645  332
14FEB  QF634  MEL-BNE  1905  2015  734

My Previous Trip Reports

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Sunday 8 February

Before the F Lounge run, I had a week-long student symposium in Pinjarra (about 1.5 hours drive south of Perth). At this point, my WP had not been recognised yet. I was 270SC short as of midnight on Sunday, with LA801 luckily being credited. I had called QF on Friday advising of the situation and was told to send scans of my BPs to the QFF service centre and they might be able to force the JQ flights through. (The alternative was to wait anywhere from 10 business days to over a month whilst JQ were scrambling to cope with their new systems.) With the BPs sent off, the prospects of getting any internet whilst at Pinjarra being pretty low and the only form of communication to the outside being my trusty mobile (with possibly questionable reception), I could only hope that the JQ flights would have credited in time for the 14/02 F Lounge run. Anyway, back to the story...

Stayed up almost all night trying to clean the house and organise clothes etc. The cleaning part took the better part of my time so organising clothes was more a case of rolling and putting them neatly in my newly replaced luggage. There was no time to iron them and it didn't sound like there would be a chance to do so in Pinjarra either. Oh well. A last minute check of all my required gear - long sleeves, steel capped boots, laptop, iPod, documentation - and not long after that the taxi arrived. A very quick run around the house to check the locks, put out the rubbish and - well, you get the idea. Thankfully I did not keep the driver for very long as I hurriedly hopped into the front passenger seat of the silver taxi and noticed the meter had not been started. "Domestic Airport," I requested in short breath.

The quick ride to the airport was a welcome relief which was sided with a short premium check-in line at BNE Dom. So it was up to the lounge for some museli and beverages before having to board QF651, which was to be flown using a 737-800 aircraft. :( I passed the service desk in the QP and managed to get an exit row aisle, so there was some relief in that regard (seeing that row 4 was completely taken bar - *shudder* - seats B and E).

I will preface the faithful reader that there will not be much in pics until 13/02 when I left Perth. I was really, really tired leading up to my BNE-PER flight (for many reasons including that I did not get enough sleep the previous night), so even though I'm usually a happy snapper and I also usually get the meal pics, I didn't this time. But I digress....

Flight: QF651 Brisbane (BNE D) - Perth (PER T2)
Depart: 0905h Sched; 0912h Actual
Aircraft: VH-VXL "Charleville" Boeing 737-800
Class: Economy
Seat: 13C

Boarding proceeded without fuss at gate 17 and I went to my seat in the exit row. Two of my fellow symposium buddies were also on the flight - one in row 8 and the other second row from the back.

The flight would have been great with the extra leg room, although 13B saw fit to stretch himself out (he's not roly poly, he just like to spread out) so I didn't get any armrest and needed to sit leaning towards the aisle. Needless to say, my right shoulder got clipped a few times during the flight.

Contrary to the flight information supplied online by Qantas, we were served lunch rather than breakfast. The choices consisted of Lamb Curry with rice or Chicken in White Wine Sauce with sliced potatoes and boiled vegetables.

I opted for the latter, although in hindsight perhaps the curry would have been a better option. The usual sides of bread roll, tiny square of Lindt extra milk chocolate and water cup were supplied and all was consumed sans the bread roll, which felt a bit rubbery. Complementary bar was offered and so I selected a white wine.

I was so tired after the meal that I didn't wait for the FAs to clear my tray; I carried it all the way back to the rear galley, used the bathroom and then dozed off. By the time I awoke again, they had just passed me in handing out the ice creams. It was only a fruit splice so I didn't bother asking for one. Not too long after that I dozed off again.

Less than 45 minutes before landing I awoke and found myself a little peckish, so I journeyed back to the rear galley to get a cup of tea and some pretzels to munch on. We had a bit of a rocky descent into Perth, but otherwise were on the ground in one piece and pulled up to gate 1.

Chronology to WP

No one really wants me to write a trip report about a five day symposium for students involved with research in sustainability in the minerals industry, so I'll instead summarise how I finally managed to get QF to bestow me with QFF WP status.

On Tuesday (10 February) afternoon, I was contacted by the QFF service centre by phone and asked to email a copy of my e-ticket for my JQ flights. The reason was basically to ascertain that I had paid cash for my Star Class flights rather than scored them via an upgrade (of which there would be reduced or no status credits awardable). Fair enough, except I had to get to an internet connected computer. There wasn't a single one on our camp site except for the one behind the counter at the reception, of which the attendants were not willing to give up. Eventually I managed to borrow one of my friend's mobile internet connection to send off my JQ itinerary to QFF.

I was a bit scared because the JQ itinerary is the only documentation one has of the booking, but it contains less detail than an itinerary from QF. The PNR is the only reference on a JQ booking. It's not on Amadeus, the e-ticket number isn't on the documentation and calling JQ to ask for the e-ticket number yielded the mind numbing response that the PNR is the e-ticket number. Great. But off went the itinerary to QFF and I prayed for the best.

QFF crediting timeframes are wierd. Many times before, flights would credit about 2 - 4 hours after the arrival of a flight. JQ flights would take about the same time or perhaps 1 - 2 days; other oneworld flights (like LA) would also take around 1 - 2 days. Sometimes QFF would credit SCs at around midnight.

I got an SMS from Flashware near midnight on Wednesday (11 February) just as I had dozed off, asking as to whether I was WP yet. A call to QFF most curiously redirected me straight to a consultant after pressing option 3 from the first menu. (Usually I'd get the whole "To hear your current points balance, press 1..." etc.) I asked the consultant on the other end for the required information and was half-delighted to hear that I was over 1400 SC and new QF WP. I SMS'ed Flashware the "good news", but just to make sure my sleep deprivation wasn't kicking me in the head, I made note to check again the next day.

It wasn't the sleep deprivation, it was real. The next day I called up again and they confirmed I was a new QF WP.

It was also then (not with the help of the consultant) that they had unusually credited my JQ flights as two flights each way, so I ended up being credited a few extra SCs. I SMS'ed the rest of the F Loungers of my new status and, as they say in The Simpsons, "It was all falling into place."

Freddie Jr said:
Boring! Get to the good part, where you actually get to F Lounge...
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Friday 13 February

Just before breakfast, I booked my overnight accommodation in SYD at the Holiday Inn Sydney Airport. I didn't know that there was a Mercure or an Ibis near Sydney Airport, so the only two prices I had to compare were the HI and Stamford Plaza. The HI had a good deal going which included breakfast, so I grabbed that. (I was more surprised that they actually had any availability of rooms at all at less than $200 per night.) It's amazing what one can do with just a mobile phone without internet. (Directory assistance helps a lot, too :)).

We had an industry round table event in the morning before leaving Pinjarra at 11.45am. First stop would be in Perth CBD to drop some people off there, then onto the airport. There wasn't a hitch during the entire ride, so that helped things a lot, particularly as the earliest of the group going to the airport had a 2.30pm-ish departure, so time wasn't quite on our side.

Once at PER T2, I made a beeline for the QuickCheck machine which proffered my BP showing my new FF Platinum status. :) The premium check-in line had nil enqueued, so I quickly navigated the zig zag tape to the front and I checked in my luggage with a magenta tag to boot. Security was mainly a non-affair, although I did get pulled over for explosives checking. The security guard that tested me enquired about Freddie Jr and I proceeded to give my usual speil of who Freddie Jr is, what is FlyerTalk, etc. etc. As soon I was given the all green it was up the stairs.

A few of my fellow symposium attendees also flying out that afternoon soon caught up to me and I offered to get them into the QP, but they refused. So I was left to get to the QP to have some lunch and finally catch up on my emails. First order of business up in the QP: any upgrades. Yes I know I'm on a Red e-Deal, but it's worth a try.

Unfortunately, the service desk agent told me that J was completely full, so absolutely no chance of upgrade. I managed to change seats to a bulk head seat. Into the lounge, I parked myself at a spot on the benches overlooking the tarmac, got myself some food, fired up the laptop and logged into the QP wifi, finally to be greeted with only 4 unread emails in my work account but around 80 unread in my GMail. :rolleyes:

Freddie Jr overlooking PER T2 tarmac

It wasn't long until I saw VH-QPC land and pull into gate 2. It was soon time to head onto SYD.

VH-QPC taxiing into gate 2

Flight: QF566 Perth (PER T2) - Sydney (SYD T3)
Depart: 1615h Sched; 1623h Actual
Aircraft: VH-QPC "Broken Hill" Airbus A330-300
Class: Economy
Seat: 46G

For those who are fairly tall, the A330-300 bulk head seats are not for you. I'm not tall and the only advantage I got in 46G apart from no one in front to recline back into your space was that my right foot had plenty of space available; the left one was stuck behind the solid bulk head.

Flight took off alright and on time. The FAs soon served dinner; the choices consisting of either beef stew with potatoes or stir-fried chicken with rice (a.k.a. the infamous "Stir Fry Chicken with Kung Pao Sauce"). Both came with the usual bread roll, tiny square of chocolate and water cup, but they were also sided with a slice of cheese and water crackers. For beverage I opted for the red wine, as well as later sipping a cup of tea.

Trays were cleared and almost immediately afterwards the chocolate Cornetto ice creams were handed out. I also drank another wine - a white wine this time (which was the same label as that I had on BNE-PER). I don't know if it was the effect of altitude or the wine itself but after finishing the ice cream and the wine I started to feel a little sick. I went to the bathroom but surprisingly did not find myself throwing up. I decided to pull down my laptop and start working a bit on organising my pictures from my recent Japan trip when I started to zone in and out in a fit of microsleeps. It wasn't until my seat mate in 46F shook me because he needed to get past for a bathroom break that I realised that I had actually fallen asleep for a while and I had rested my finger on a key to make a very interesting long caption for one of my photos. Of course, that's probably a good time to clean up any sleep induced mistakes and shut down the computer.

Once my seat mate returned, he tried to order another bottle of red after downing about four of them, only to be told by the FA that they had run out of reds, so he reluctantly accepted a white instead. Another short nap later I awoke to the announcement that the cabin was being prepared for landing. The seat belt sign was turned on about 30 minutes before touch down, which was a bit unusual. We somehow managed to land at least 10 minutes late (and no we did not use the third runway), as well as disembarkation at gate 10 taking the good part of 10 minutes to actually start.

Bags were on the belt by the time I arrived at the carousel, but my magenta tagged bag was not to be seen. It took about 8 minutes before I found my bag and jogged in the bucketing rain over to the airport hotel shuttle stand between T2 and T3.
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Hotel: Holiday Inn Sydney Airport
Room: 3rd Floor, Queen Bed Standard Room

My Holiday Inn room - simplicity delivered

Check-in at the HI was efficiently handled and within a few minutes I had my room key and made my way up to the third level. The room was presented with the usual HI simplicity and was perfect for the overnighter. I employed the services of the rather expensive internet for a short while to check any last minute emails and OLCI for QF634, whilst talking to Skoogle and Flashware about the arrangements for the next day. It wasn't very long after that it was time to hit the sack to try and get some rest.

Views from my room taken in the morning, including one familiar branded building :rolleyes:
Saturday 14 February

Woke up at 8am and after a shower and change I wondered down to the hotel restaurant Amelia's to have some breakfast. The usual HI fare was on offer, which was nothing to write home about but was adequate. Some museli and a small hot breakfast later I headed back upstairs to check all my bags and pack.

After talking to Skoogle and Flashware about transport arrangements, I checked out and headed over to T3 to meet Mal and Bundy Bear who were coming from BNE: Mal on a small run to CBR and back, Bundy Bear for F Lounge :). What was amazing was that I was repeatedly told that it costs around $5 each way to use the hotel shuttle, but no one demanded any payment.

Once at T3, I had a dilemma. I couldn't take my luggage airside, but I couldn't use the international transfer check-in and apart from the inherent hassle of going to T1 then back to T3, the Jetstar check-in wouldn't open until 3 hours before departure. So I resorted to leaving my bag with the baggage services on the ground floor to the tune of a $10 charge (for six hours). After that, it was through security and up to the lounges.

I tried to get into the Business Lounge but I hit a speed bump when my WP status was recognised but I needed to be travelling that day to get in. At the time, I hadn't thought about mentioning JQ35 even though I had no BP, but oh well. So it was off to the regular QP. I wasn't really willing to gorge on what was on offer at the buffet on account of having had breakfast and having F Lounge later, so a juice and a water seemed more in circumspect.

Freddie Jr and I sat with a view of the hanger and the main concourse gates. Soon enough, a message from Bundy Bear had confirmed that their plane had landed on the third runway. As the mighty 767-300 VH-OGT taxiied in, Freddie Jr got a shot of himself watching the aircraft park into the gates.

Freddie Jr watches Mal's and Bundy Bear's ex-BNE aircraft roll into SYD T3

Mal and Bundy Bear soon found me and with Mal's WP and his ongoing BP we all proceeded to the Business Lounge for a catchup and a few light refreshments. Freddie Jr was caught trying to ask for some ale only to be told that the bar wouldn't open for another hour. After being Freddie Jr's caretaker for quite some time, Bundy Bear decided to take care of him for the rest of the day. After all, Bundy Bear also had more space in his carry-on. :) We had a bit of a chat, but I then got a call from Skoogle that he was almost at T3, so that was the signal to get out of the lounge and get my bag back before we all proceeded to T1.

One word of caution for those that decide to use the SYD T3 baggage service: it is not always attended to. I picked up the phone that connects to the person who is responsible for the service and after that it took us at least 25 minutes before the attendant arrived and I could retrieve my bag (along with a woman who had been waiting at least 15 minutes so she could drop hers). It wouldn't be such a big deal today except that I was literally sending Skoogle around the bend. The bag retrieved we headed out to arrivals to the traffic islands for general pickups where we found Skoogle and Flashware waiting for us. None too surprisingly I was the only one with a check-in baggage. :(

Skoogle parked the car at long term parking and the shuttle to T1 promptly arrived thereafter. Check-in hadn't opened when we arrived at row C, but it was still about 10 minutes anyway before it was supposed to do so. Surprisingly I didn't find the lines as long as I have previously experienced - there was only about 5 people in front of us - which is probably good because none of us were travelling Star Class so having to line up in a long line of plebs would have just meant less F Lounge time.

Less F Lounge time? Poetic justice.... it must be JQ's new computer systems making things difficult but check-in didn't open until at least 15 minutes after the 3 hour mark. "Open up already! We're missing valuable F Lounge time," a voice inside me screamed. Finally the line was moving on a mere two counters. We all couldn't manage to get 4 seats near each other, so the best we could do is two pairs of seats about five rows apart. BPs printed and my bag checked in, passport control was a breeze and security was easily done as well. (It helps to keep the plastic bag you're given for liquids and have them prepacked in advance of getting to the security check-in point. It also helps when you know what you need to take out of your bag and pockets and have travelled so much you've rehearsed it into a dance routine. :p) Then it was up the hidden stairwell to the Qantas lounges floor where we went past the QP and onto the F Lounge.
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Qantas First Lounge, Sydney (Terminal 1) International Airport

The greeter didn't really click to my printout of my status from the QFF web site. Skoogle had WP so he was OK plus one of us, but then the greeter noticed Flashware's WP bag tag on his luggage and presumed he too was WP, so he let us in. Nope, Flashware didn't need to show his WP card, he took in the bag tag! And Skoogle had a couple of said tags in reserve as well. I know what you're thinking - the irony is so thick you could cut it with a knife. :p I digress......

When we got up to the service counter to present our BPs, again I produced the printout and explained that I had just obtained WP. Of course, they had a little trouble finding my QFF record, but that was really on account of their not typing in the leading 0 on my QFF number. A little bit of ballet later and we all proceeded into the lounge and found a table in the restaurant, where we were happily greeted and seated by the waiting staff.

A perspective view of the F Lounge from the dining area
The restaurant and bar at the F Lounge

A quick scan of the menu with the daily specials revealed what I thought was a bit of a pedestrian selection compared to what I've experienced before (that's just my opinion, however; still good food there!). Menu is included in a separate post, and I apologise to the sommelier-wannabes and wine appreciation club but I neglected to photograph the wine and champagne list on the following pages of the wonderfully leather-covered menu.

Tomas is one of the waiters that I remember well in the F Lounge and he appeared soon after we were seated to offer us all a drink. There was only one drink on all our minds: champagne! A choice of four was offered, though I can only remember three of them - Veuve Cliquot, Devaux and Moet Chandon. I can't remember the last one but it certainly wasn't Charles Heidsick, Dom Pom or Krug. We all opted to try the Veuve and shortly after the champagne was poured and a toast was made to F Lounging.

Freddie Jr enjoys a glass of Veuve Cliquot

First order of business - no puns intended - was to get the meals ordered. We all selected the same starter soup - the soup of the day, Zucchini and Chicken Chorizo. We diversified when it came to the mains, with Bundy Bear and Skoogle selecting the main of the day - Stir Fried Beef with Jasmine Rice - Flashware opting for the Chicken Schnitzel and myself, thinking that I couldn't do much better than any other option on the menu, selected the "signature" beef burger. Flashware and I also placed an order for a side of green vegetables with lemon oil.

Once the orders had been placed, Skoogle, Flashware and I went to the spa at the other end of the lounge to see if we could fit in some relaxation time before our flight. Diana greeted us warmly and checking the appointment book we were able to slot in a facial for Skoogle and a half-hour massage for Flashware and myself. With still at least a half-hour up our sleeves, we went back to our table and within moments the starter soups were served.

Zucchini and Chicken Chorizo Soup

The soup was quite delicious, with a good consistency and complemented by the chorizo. It sure does beat the slightly watered down stuff in the QPs, and certainly a better flavour selection than - *balk* - Carrot and Coconut. The soup bowls were cleared and out came the mains, along with top-ups of champagne all around and a change of pace for Flashware from the Veuve to the Devaux, which he found more appetising. Like most avid FT or AFF members, photos of each of the mains were snapped before consumption. Bundy Bear enquired to the waiter whether many people in the F Lounge had cameras out, and not too suprisingly at all the waiter replied in the affirmative, adding that many people take lots of photos in the F Lounge of anything and everything. Looks like the F Lounge has really earned its reputation.
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Qantas Signature Beef Burger in all its greasy goodness...
...with a side of steamed greens in lemon oil

The beef burger doesn't look packed to the gills at first sight but it is a gruesome beast to consume. I think the bun was buttered on both sides - whether this was to add grease, an effect or some sort of crunch I do not know, but having said that I would not for one second recommend this dish for someone who just left the hospital after being treated for a heart attack. :) I think they did not quite prepare the bun properly (it was probably supposed to be a bit crispy), because trying to pick up the burger and eat it with hands only resulted in greasy hands and little chance of holding the burger together. So it was back to the trusty and (probably) more classy use of the knife and fork. The side of greens in lemon oil were also very tasty - the greens being prepared to a good consistency and the lemon flavours coming through nicely.

Stir Fried Beef with Jasmine Rice
Chicken Schnitzel

Bundy Bear quite enjoyed his main of the Stir Fried Beef, whilst Flashware tucked into the Chicken Schnitzel and thought it to be satisfactory. The champagne flowed, although mainly in the direction of Flashware's glass. Skoogle finished his main before having to go for his facial appointment. After the mains were consumed and plates cleared, the attentive wait staff produced the menus again for the dessert selection.
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For my part, after having quite a substantial meal plus a bit of champas I was not looking to have any of the desserts, but since it was part of the experience I thought I'd plough on, so I selected the easy option of the cheese plate. Flashware ordered the Mango Meringue whilst Bundy Bear once again selected the day's special of the Warmed Chocolate Brownie. The desserts were delivered with the usual grace, along with a glass of De Bortoli Noble One for Flashware and myself. Bundy Bear, inquisitive as ever, decided to ask for a very small amount to try, but after doing so quickly dismissed it to be a bit too sweet for his liking. Ah well, each to their own.

Cheese Plate of the Day
Warmed Chocolate Brownie
Mango Meringue
Freddie Jr tucks into a glass of sweet De Bortoli Noble One

The cheese plate was nice although the harder cheese would only be good if I had the stomach capacity to enjoy it, ditto that with the walnut bread that was supplied. So I managed to savour the soft cheese served with the crackers and with the downing of the glass of De Bortoli I was done for, and in good time, since it was time for Flashware and myself to go for our spa appointments. At that very moment, Skoogle reappeared from his facial, his hair teased back a bit and his face beaming with spa goodness. The only thing great after a relaxing facial was a relaxing dessert, so a Mango Meringue with a side of chocolate ice cream was brought in for Skoogle.
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Flashware and I turned up at the spa reception ready for our massages. This was my first time in the spa but Flashware's second. Flashware got picked first for going in and soon enough a masseur ushered Flashware away. Not long after that, Rosemary appeared and I was lead into one of the spa chambers. Naturally, I don't have photos of the inside of the chambers. (Now who in their right mind would allow that?)

The inside of the spa chambers was walled with the same green life wall as that observed when first entering the F Lounge. Tranquil lighting and flowing water complemented the environment, although the flow of water was a bit irregular at times which seemed to interrupt the mood. An iPod system proffered gentle music, although next time I try the spa I will probably ask for the music to be either toned down or turned off because for me I'd probably prefer to enjoy the silence and the tranquil running water. The room is also supplemented with a shower and vanity well-stocked with bathroom accessories and Payot products. There is a small cabinet where towels are kept and there is space to store clothes and shoes.

I'll elide the details of the massage, but I think anyone who comes for a relaxing massage will not be disappointed at the F Lounge spa. (I'm not a spa or massage connisour so YMMV.) Rosemary outlined all the instructions in a kind and gentle manner, even to the point she apologised for seemingly being patronising but I reassured her that I do not often go for a massage so she had no reason to apologise. I'm not sure if some people talk or sleep during a massage, but I made a bit of small talk with Rosemary during the session, mainly about the kinds of people who use the spa. The appointment was only for a half-hour so with an application of a hot towel and a final beat on the back, Rosemary retired outside so that I could get up and get dressed. I'm assuming some people would have a shower after their massage, but seeing as there wasn't much time before we needed to board I got dressed and thanked Rosemary for her time.

I wondered back outside slowly into the streaming light in the F Lounge with Flashware catching up. The F Lounge had become noticeably busier since we entered the spa. Bundy Bear and Skoogle had moved to the couch seating area further towards the entrance and were enjoying a plate of fruit before we arrived. There wasn't much time before our flight was about to be called for boarding, so I made a quick bathroom break as well as finagling a shower cap full of the excellent F Lounge shower accessories :), much to the amusement (and embarrassment?) of my fellow F Loungers. A quick photo of all of us with Freddie Jr and it was time to pack up and head down to the shuttles, since our flight was boarding at gate 53 (the far wing where most of the Star Alliance airlines are docked and their associated lounges are situated). Of course, we could have walked, but I probably would not have been popular had we done that.

The F Loungers and Freddie Jr

The shuttles from the oneworld wing to the Star Alliance wing (for lack of my knowledge of the real area designations) depart from downstairs at gate 23/24-ish. The signage isn't excellent until you are actually in the vicinity of the area, so I would not be surprised if many people who aren't familiar with SYD T1 actually get lost or walk all the way to the Star Alliance wing. (The walking pathway is hidden partially by the duty free shop and is signed poorly).
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Once we were downstairs, the shuttle arrived not long after and we made the short trip across the tarmac in the light rain. Skoogle and Bundy Bear trigger-happily snapped various pictures whilst we trekked around the T1 tarmac, where we found various interesting aircraft along the way. The shuttle pulled up at the lower level of the Star Alliance wing and after a crowded lift ride up one floor we were deposited in the middle of the duty free shop. A short walk through the plethora of cheap alcohol (luckily not in the path of perfumes :D) and we arrived at gate 53. Bundy Bear headed back to take a picture of Freddie Jr in front of some Bundy Rum.

Meanwhile, boarding of JQ35 was taking some considerable time to commence, which earned the :rolleyes: of all the F Loungers on account of possibly more champagne and F Lounge time that we could have had, but oh well. Luckily, we were not significantly standing around much longer as Star Class and special assistance passengers were invited to board, followed not long after by all remaining passengers. JQ's new systems must be giving some grief on account of the number of passengers who beeped on BPs (and I do NOT think they were op-ups!), but all of us glided through effortlessly as we proceeded down the snaky path of the gate 53 aerobridge and on board VH-EBD.

Air China special livery
Singapore Airlines Airbus A380
United Airlines old livery
Flight: JQ35 Sydney (SYD T1) - Melbourne-Tullamarine (MEL T2)
Depart: 1515h Sched; 1515h Actual (I think this is a lie!)
Aircraft: VH-EBD Airbus A330-200
Class: Economy
Seat: 40B

We all arrived onto the aircraft to find the cabin still fairly empty, which means first dibs on the overhead compartment, as well as time to take some photos whilst people were not teaming down aisles. We watched as the plane started to significantly fill up, comically with many people holding BPs with orange D stickers on them :D. The plane was quite full when the flow of boarding passengers finally subsided, although once again (and the captain told us of this one) JQ's new systems were causing some headaches for the predeparture procedures and holding up our departure time...and valuable MEL Business Lounge drinking time :p! Eventually the forward doors were about to close and the ground staff hastily scurried to the front to deplane. Pushback finally occurred as the safety demonstration was performed to the tune of the old-style ultra-long checklist-based video.

The happy F Loungers on board JQ35. Skoogle and Flashware in 35AB...
...and myself and Bundy Bear in 40AB.
The eponymous QF009 leg room shot taken of me in 40B. Not all that bad unless you're pretty tall.
Row 40 on board a Jetstar Airbus A330-200

Safety Demonstration said:
Ladies and Gentlemen, today you are flying on a Jetstar Airbus A330. Subtly, every aircraft is different. That's why you need to listen to this demonstration. At the very least, run through this quick safety checklist.

Oddly enough, the safety demonstration was only given in English, as were all the other PA announcements. I would have thought that perhaps they might have had the announcements and video in Bahasa Indonesia as well as English, just as flights to/from Japan had such announcements and video in both English and Japanese. Oh well. Take off was a non-affair after we actually got going; we had a sharp ascent through the light rain. After the seat belt sign was turned off the FAs came through the aisle with the BOB service. None of us bought anything except for Skoogle who purchased a hot chocolate. We went up and down a couple of times to have a chat but that was limited by the passengers who needed to get up and down the aisles. I was quite thirsty and I had forgotten to yoink a bottle of water from the F Lounge (do'h!). Luckily, there is a drinking fountain with paper cups available near (not in!) the bathrooms, which was about 2 rows aft of us, so Bundy Bear and I were saved from dehydration without having to proffer a cent.

In contrast to the rain in SYD, we descended into the beaming sunshine in MEL. We docked into MEL T2 at gate 4, which was a short walk to last-chance duty free and a bit beyond for passport control. It was odd that so many people had lined up in the D line when there were so many other free counters, so I went straight for a free counter whilst an immigration official had to tell everyone to spread out.

Then it was onto the dreaded baggage claim. The last time I flew JQ35 with checked baggage it took over 30 minutes for my bag to appear on the belt. I was dreading much the same but luckily within 10 minutes or so the belt started to move and another 3-5 minutes later bags started to descend. My bag appeared within approximately 5-10 minutes later so that admittedly was not as painful as last time. It does kinda hurt that JQ don't have priority baggage (not for Star Class or QFF premium status), but such is life with a LCC (and not that priority baggage works all the time anyway!). With my bag collected, we breezed through customs and headed up to T1 for our final flight of the day.
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I had a bottle of wine in my checked bag (obviously due to LAG rules) so before I redropped my bag I took it out to carry with me. The premium line at MEL T1 was blank so once again all I had to do was navigate the tight zig-zag path set out by the tape and my bag was checked in with a magenta tag and BP printed with my seat 4C, which I was looking forward to since on a 737-800 you get the leg room of an exit row but the flexibility of other rows as well as being one of the first in Y to deplane.

Going through security was easily done, despite my having to go before someone who obviously had little idea what to do. Once I got through and repacked everything, I looked for Bundy Bear before noticing we had bumped into straitman and Sue Oz. We all proceeded up to the lounges and made a beeline to the Business Lounge. Skoogle and Flashware were already inside, so it did make it harder for us to convince the desk agent that we could all get in (two WPs plus two guests each = six people allowable altogether); even harder when the desk agent couldn't quite manage to count properly. :rolleyes:

Not willing to sample the beer in the lounge I headed over to the bar to get some NV Chardonnay. I also grabbed a bowl of the vegetable soup (I can't remember the flavour now), which was quite tasty although slightly on the sweet side.

The group parked itself at a table located behind the service desk. We learnt that straitman and Sue Oz were on their way to NZ for a much deserved break. At the risk of over-NZ'eding Freddie Jr, we decided he could use some more activity so it was at the MEL Business Lounge that Freddie Jr and I parted ways as we left him in the safe hands of straitman and Sue Oz, who would bring him back to Australia in time for the FT AGM in BNE. We awkwardly managed to get a photo of the group with Freddie Jr (after experimenting how to set up a suitable platform for a camera to get a shot of all of us), which was just in time as the desk agent reappeared to tell us that there were to be no photos in the lounge (privacy reasons, apparently), but more positively that she had managed to move Bundy Bear next to me in 4B.

Freddie Jr in the safe hands of Sue Oz, along with (going clockwise) me, Skoogle, straitman, Bundy Bear and Flashware.

It's amazing how when one is in the company of friends that time passes so quickly, as the MEL-SYD flight that Skoogle, Flashware, straitman and Sue Oz were all on was called for boarding ("first and final call" but it never is) within what seemed like such a short time. Interestingly and amusingly, Skoogle and Flashware were trying to get seats in the exclusive two row forward cabin of the 767-300 that was the equipment for their flight, but were unsuccessful in doing so, so they had to settle for seating in the forward main cabin. Guess who got seats in the two-row cabin instead? You guessed it, straitman and Sue Oz! :mrgreen:

Bundy Bear and I had time to see them off at the gate before we trekked back to gate 4 to board our flight back home to BNE.
Flight: QF634 Melbourne-Tullamrine (MEL T1) - Brisbane (BNE D)
Depart: 1905h Sched; 1915h Actual
Aircraft: VH-TJU "Currawong" Boeing 737-400
Class: Economy
Seat: 4C

As we were in the aerobridge, I suddenly realised that I had forgot to note down the rego of the plane, so I made a mental note that I'd probably need to do so when we landed in BNE, or rely on other sources of information for it. When we boarded, I realised there was no need - our aircraft had been changed from a 737-800 to a -400. The -400 series have the rego printed on a sign in the forward cabin. The aircraft change meant row 4 didn't have the superior leg room it would have had on a -800, but it was a convertible J seat so still more leg room than the non-convertible Y seats. I was a bit concerned for Bundy Bear, however, since the middle seat in a convertible J row is typically slightly narrower than the window or aisle seats (which you can predict as the tray table is noticeably narrower). J was fairly empty until a whole bunch of QF crew quickly occupied the remaining J seats.

For our part, when the forward door was closed, I looked behind to see that the first half of the plane was only about 70% loaded and the rear half being about 90% loaded. In addition, we didn't have a 4A passenger despite there being reportedly no chance nor availability of moving Bundy Bear to row 4 at all when we tried at the bag drop counter as well as via OLCI. Lack-of-status-induced seat-blocking can really be a PITA, but with that said and done, Bundy Bear hopped out of 4B and into 4A, leaving us with great leg and elbow room for the flight.

When the seat belt sign went off, the WHY cabin manager Janice fronted up and personally greeted both of us and assured that if we needed anything during the flight to simply ask and she would do her best. I am thinking that there weren't many WPs on the flight let alone the flight being full and a later question by Bundy Bear when she reappeared confirmed this.

Dinner was served not long after, consisting of a large beef rissole sided by mashed potato and steamed vegetables. I feel a bit silly saying this but honestly that was the best meal I've had in WHY for a very, very long time. The beef rissole was nicely cooked and was very tasty, and though I rarely eat potato, the mash was prepared nicely, didn't taste like it came out of a packet at all and was flavoursome (obviously the butter did help). There was no complementary bar service and though there was a voice inside that might have tried to use my WP status to see if I could get a free bottle of wine, I opted not to press my luck and settled for a juice, later to be supplemented with a cup of tea.

WHY meal: Beef Rissole with Mashed Potato. Delicious.
Drinks, drinks, drinks. Having a spare table is always very handy. :)
The wines on offer in J service. Anyone recognise or imbibed any of these before?

The J meals sounded rather pedestrian although that's probably just my semi-strict tastes: offering was either stir fried beef with rice and vegetables or chicken salad. I managed a snap of the wine selection in J, although I can't comment on them since I have never tried either one before and was a bit too afraid to ask for a glass myself.

Janice later reappeared and asked if everything was OK, not that we had anything to complain about. I mentioned to her on the tastiness of the meal, but when she asked if there was anything else she could get me, I did not absolutely know what to say. Of course, she could only try her best, so not trying to be too testy I asked for some Peyton's chocolates. Having only said the word and soon enough she returned with two said chocolates.

Fawlty Towers was screened on the IFE, namely the episode entitled Basil the Rat. The rest of the flight was either listening to music or having a good chat with Bundy Bear. Luckily I had elected to obtain an Economy Classic Award rather than a Business one, since the latter wouldn't have been much better anyway. A fairly uneventful flight later we landed in BNE and once again I was home.

A bit of useless trivia? I had Business (magenta) tagging for my bags throughout all my flights in this trip report (except for the JQ flight, of course). But did my bag ever come out in the first few? Nope. In fact, priority baggage was a bit choppy for all the flights I was on, with the first few bags certainly being mostly magenta but were readily peppered with a plethora of bags with either Priority (orange) or nil tags! :rolleyes:

But that's all an aside. Getting WP finally was a relief, F Lounging with a group of friends after a mentally straining week was even better.

And once again, faithful reader, thanks for reading my trip report.

Qantas First Lounge
Sydney International Airport


Daily Specials
Saturday 14 February 2009

Soup of the Day
Zucchini and Chicken Chorizo

Salad of Fig, Serrano, Roquefort and Caramelised Walnuts

Fish of the Day

Silver Dory Fillets served with Asparagus and Romensco Sauce

Peppered Beef Stir Fry and Jasmine Rice

Warm Chocolate Brownie with Vanilla Ice Cream, Fudge Sauce and Berries

Ice Creams
French Vanilla, Raspberry, Chocolate, Toasted Walnut & Honey or Hazelnut

Mango, Raspberry or Watermelon

Lunch and Dinner
Available from Midday

Beetroot and Eggplant Dips with Grilled Italian Flat Bread

Buffalo Mozzarella with Vine Tomatoes, Basil Leaves and 20 year old Balsamic

Prawn and Avacado Salad with Preserved Lemon Dressing (h)

Chilli Salt Squid (e)

Zucchini, Taleggio and Walnut Tart with Olive Oil Pastry

House Made Tagliatelle with Roast Tomato Sauce, Sardines and Herb Crumbs (h)

Chicken Schnitzel with Shredded Savoy, Snow Pea and Fennel Salad

Wok Fried Hokkien Noodles with BBQ Pork, Japanese Mushrooms* and Snake Beans

Minute Steak with Red Wine Butter and Chips (e)

Our Signature Sandwiches

Club with Organic Chicken, Slow Roasted Tomatoes, Smokehouse Bacon and Aioli

Beef Burger with Smokehouse Bacon, Gruyere, Zuni Pickle and Tomato Chilli Relish

Side Dishes
To Complement Your Meal

Bowl of Chips

Rocket and Parmesan Salad

Our Signature Mixed Leaf Salad

Steamed Greens with Colonna Lemon Oil (h)

Cheese and Dessert

Seasonal Fruit Plate (h)

Meringue with Banana, Mango, Passionfruit and Cream

Chocolate Pot with Cherries and Spiced Biscotti (e)

Selection of Ice Creams and Sorbets

Cheese Hand Selected by Calendar Cheese Company
Will Studd's Selected Stilton and Goat's Cheese Florette with Accompaniments

(e) Express Option
Healthier Choice
*Not the proper word: the proper word was destroyed by the censor
Although I faltered on my word in the MEL B Lounge, you may notice that every photo in the FLounge had myself with a glass of something in hand; that was deliberate! :mrgreen:
Flight: QF634 Melbourne-Tullamrine (MEL T1) - Brisbane (BNE D)
Depart: 1905h Sched; 1915h Actual
Aircraft: VH-TJU "Currawong" Boeing 737-400
Class: Economy
Seat: 4C

As we were in the aerobridge, I suddenly realised that I had forgot to note down the rego of the plane, so I made a mental note that I'd probably need to do so when we landed in BNE, ...

Excellent report - I enjoyed the read... makes me envious - urge to change back to QF to attain similar result...

FYI - if you forget the rego in the future, you can often locate it above your head as you enter the main cabin door. Typically there is a metal plate withthe craft details on it.... If you enter slow enough, and trying not to look suspicous by checking out the door on entry you can typically see it...
Well done..
What an enjoyable TR. Well done ...

You forgot to mention straitman 'phoning ~6:30pm me to energetically inform me he and Sue were taking Freddy to NZ. (just while we were trying to negotiate an extremely heavy piece of furniture downstairs as we were moving house) :p
What an enjoyable TR. Well done ...

You forgot to mention straitman 'phoning ~6:30pm me to energetically inform me he and Sue were taking Freddy to NZ. (just while we were trying to negotiate an extremely heavy piece of furniture downstairs as we were moving house) :p

The only reason Straitman called you is that I had the phone number. Just to add that piece of information. ;)

Is it bad that I have so many AFF members in my phone. :rolleyes:
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