SYD-xBKK-HEL-BUD-VIE-MUC-FRA-xHEL-xBKK-SYD EK B777, AY A350, QF A330, + Trains in J

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Established Member
Jun 2, 2010
Well it was time to decide where to go for Christmas 2015 / New Year 2016.
Through the year Finnair usually comes up with some very nice specials to Europe that fits our budget. So we monitored specials with all the airlines and again, as expected AY came through with the goods.

So this is a little TR of the journey as I know a lot of people like to get a view to the hard / soft product from point to point.
Hopefully some of these pics hep with decisions.

Anyways here we go. Probably a few pics too many, but hey, bandwidth is almost free these days.
All pics are taken with a smartphone (that has been dropped a few times more than it was probably designed to on the run) that I've then told windows to compress as much as possible.

And the entire trip was going to be attempted as HLO (115cm roller each + small day-pack backpack). This included 1 x large jacket each for cold Europe + 1 laptop (for me) & 1 tablet for SWMBO.

Trip summary:

* Syd-Bkk with EK in J
* Overnight (so to speak) in BKK staying Novotel
* BKK- HEL with AY in J
* Overnight in HEL. Stying Hilton.
* HEL-BUD ... tour Budapest. Staying Hilton.
* Bud-Vie using train in 1st
* Vie ... touring Vienna. Staying Hilton.
* Vie-Muc using train in 1st
* Muc ... touring Munich. Staying Hilton
* Muc-Fra via train in 1st
* Fra ... touring Frankfurt. Staying Hilton & then Airport Hilton
* Fra-hel-bkk with AY in J
* Overnight (so to speak) in BKK staying Novotel
* Bkk-Syd with QF in J
* Syd-home in an Audi A8 limo

Flight: SYD-BKK with EK
The B777 evening flight to BKK with a J config I hate (2-3-2).
We couldn't take the QF daytime flight due to work commits, so it was this flight or drop off a day from our short itinerary to Europe.
So we both decided to take a teaspoon of cement and harden up and lock the flight in. The goal was to get to the QF 1st Lounge, have a feed, get onboard then sleep to BKK with an 1am landing.

Starting in Sydney ... it was up to to the QF Flounge.
As we take the escalator up we both tell each other the year is over and now time to get int he spirit of the season as it had been a challenging year.

2. Qf 1st lounge.jpg

At this time of the late afternoon the lounge was very quiet
1. QF 1st Lounge.jpg

A pre-dinner snack of the S&P squid we all seem to enjoy. Washed down with Champagne (well it became 3 glass each to help get into the festive mood)
3. Snack.jpg

Then to grab a table and try the American cheese burger + fries. We both had the same. Not something we'd order again as it didn't seem overly tasty nor special. And I'm not keen on under cooked mince. But washed down with another couple of glasses of bubbles made everything better. Plus we were using the bubbles as sleepy juice for boarding that was due in about 20 mins.
4. meal.jpg

Boarding our EK B777 flight was uneventful considering we were both now lightly 'mellow'.
(The slippers you see in the seat pocket are not provided by EK).
5. EK Screen.jpg

TBC ...
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Re: SYD-xBKK-HEL-BUD-VIE-MUC-FRA-xHEL-xBKK-SYD EK B777, AY A350, QF A330, + Trains i

Pre-take off were were offered a drink which we declined.
As a pair of WPs, we were never 'special' greeted in anyway nor acknowledgement of WP status.

On this flight we did not eat or drink so have no idea what the service was like.
As soon as the seat belt sign went off, our objective was to get to sleep ASAP due to the 1am landing into BKK.

As soon as the crew realised we just wanted to sleep they came and helped set up our seats for sleep.
We then told them not to wake us along with hitting the do not disturb button.

View of the EK B777 cabin. This flight was 100% in J and Y we were told.
6. EK cabin 1.jpg

Another cabin shot. Cramped IMHO. But travelling HLO we had enough space for 1 x roller each we had + small backpack each.
7. EK cabin 2.jpg

The J seat.
Personally, I do not like this seat. it feels narrow and I can never get comfortable in it.
The padding also felt like it was getting a little compressed especially if you like to sleep on your side.
There is a mattress overlay thing that is applied but it doesn't go over the grey area of the seat. Anyways, any J is better than Y so yes 1st World problems.

Regardless, we both still managed to get a solid 6 hrs sleep + some catnapping finally getting out of our seats to prep for landing when the captain announced we were going to start decent in 10 mins.

When the crew saw us finally rise there was no offer of coffee or assistance to pack up as a side note. They just looked at us with blank looks.
8. EK seat.jpg

The amenity J pack. We had counted on this being a good one as we were HLO and the travel size things would be used throughout the trip.
9. EK Amenity pack.jpg

I'd love for EK to throw down a A380 on this route.

TBC ...
Re: SYD-xBKK-HEL-BUD-VIE-MUC-FRA-xHEL-xBKK-SYD EK B777, AY A350, QF A330, + Trains i

Looking forward to the rest of your TR.

I am amazed that in the US they ask how you would like your burger. I usually reply "it's only mince meat so cook it through" This is followed by a strange look
Re: SYD-xBKK-HEL-BUD-VIE-MUC-FRA-xHEL-xBKK-SYD EK B777, AY A350, QF A330, + Trains i

We landed into BKK early @ 12:30am Christmas morning and everything was very pleasantly uneventful.
Collecting our express customs cards (remember to collect them from the people as you exit the plane as they are not handed out by the crew) we used the fast track section which was very needed as BKK immigration was choked and people overflowing.

BKK to BKK Novotel airport hotel:This part of the trip has no photos (I took them on the return) as we were pressed for time and on a mission.

After clearing BKK customs (no checking of anything) we headed to the Novotel BKK shuttle, told them not to wait and run us to the hotel pronto.
A thb200 tip to the lady at the booth seemed to expedite the process i.e they didn't wait for anyone else. Selfish I know, but such is the world.

Within a short time we were at the Novotel airport hotel, personally escorted quickly to the business centre for check-in and everything was prepared.
We just swiped our CC and boom we were gone. An upgrade to a suite was a nice surprise. The room cost was AUD10 + some points. Good value.

By 1:50am we were head down on pillow sleeping again. All going to plan.
We woke 2.5 hrs before departure of our next flight (9:05am departure), quick shower then checked out catching the free (waiting) shuttle to the airport.

Flight: BKK to HEL with AY
Plane: A350 in J

The AY check-in was fast and uneventful with no lines at all in Y or J.
The check-in staff were contractors and knew what they were doing with efficiency and a smile.

As we were in J (and WPs) the check-in agent said we could use the CIP lounge (for AY J customers) or better still, we should go to the CX lounge.
The agent noted it was nicer and had better food in her opinion and was new. Asking if we had used the old QF lounge, she then said if was just nearby ... and she even wrote CX lounge and brief directions on the back of the BP.

The agent wished us a pleasant flight, handed us our BPs (all the way through to HEL & BUD), express path immigration cards ... and we were off.

Surprisingly, we were checked in (HLO), through security and in the lounge very rapidly.

I had expected Christmas morning to be busier for some reason.

BKK CX lounge. We were warmly welcomed and advised there was no flight announcement for our upcoming AY flight.
They did write down our QF FF numbers on a sheet.
1 Cathay.jpg

Lounge seating
2 seating.jpg

More seating - with most seats having a pull-out power socket inc USB power
3. seating.jpg

A self-serve food area
4. food.jpg

Bar / Barista coffee area
5 food.jpg

TBC ...
Re: SYD-xBKK-HEL-BUD-VIE-MUC-FRA-xHEL-xBKK-SYD EK B777, AY A350, QF A330, + Trains i

More CX lounge shots ...

Self serve food
6 food.jpg

Self serve food & drinks
7 food.jpg

Noodle bar ... order, they give you a buzzer which goes off when time to collect
8 noodle bar.jpg

Mini business centre
9 computers.jpg

View from lounge chairs with our AY A350 in the background waiting to take us from +40 deg C to -6 Deg C
10 view.jpg

The CX lounge was a big step up from the Louis Tavern / CIP type lounges and we preferred it to the QF lounge.
WiFi worked well and was fast.

TBC ...
Re: SYD-xBKK-HEL-BUD-VIE-MUC-FRA-xHEL-xBKK-SYD EK B777, AY A350, QF A330, + Trains i

And the entire trip was going to be attempted as HLO (115cm roller each + small day-pack backpack). This included 1 x large jacket each for cold Europe + 1 laptop (for me) & 1 tablet for SWMBO.

I think I am going to enjoy this TR! :)
Re: SYD-xBKK-HEL-BUD-VIE-MUC-FRA-xHEL-xBKK-SYD EK B777, AY A350, QF A330, + Trains i

Re: SYD-xBKK-HEL-BUD-VIE-MUC-FRA-xHEL-xBKK-SYD EK B777, AY A350, QF A330, + Trains i

I think I am going to enjoy this TR! :)

Yes the HLO was spurred on by this great forum. We've moved to smaller trips (1 wk or less as HLO in warm climates) but now this was 3 wks in some cold areas.
So we were about to test the metal. What was funny was one of our HLO rollers broke 2 days prior from a work trip ... which meant we needed to scramble to get a new one from a retail shop and nothing was heavily discounted.

Plus I have become specific with HLO roller bags ... I only want 2 wheels as I find I get more luggage space and we tend to be dragging them through train stations, walks to hotels etc and the 2 large wheels perform better. Or may be I am too old school.

With the weight ... they started the journey out at 12kg each full loaded (minus laptop / tablet which were in our day-packs) as we packed 'lite' (or so we thought).
Re: SYD-xBKK-HEL-BUD-VIE-MUC-FRA-xHEL-xBKK-SYD EK B777, AY A350, QF A330, + Trains i

Well it was time to leave for our flight. The CX lounge looked after us very well and we both agreed we'd use it on our return.

Arriving at the gate we could see our tin can waiting for.

I was a little bit excited knowing it was a new A350 and very curios to see the fit out etc. In my mind I knew it would be the best out there as AY seem to find a middle ground of price and product.

1. Plane.jpg

A quick double check to make sure we were at the right gate ... yeap looks like us. BKK to HEL here we come.

The priority boarding sign up with OW Ruby allowed.
They called pax needing assistance / families etc first.
Then J & OW Elites at once ... and since being J & WP we ticked those boxes and boarded.

2. Boarding.jpg

Some cabin shots
3. cabin.jpg

More cabin shots ... no overhead bins in the J cabin. Personally I don't like this. It means if I want something from the overhead I am having to lean over the person in the window seat. And on a full flight, your luggage will not likely be right at your seat. Yes the cabin is more spacious but a technical error IMHO especially as more and more people may do HLO considering BKK is a popular holiday destination for the Finns / Euro population.
4. cabin.jpg

TBC ...
Re: SYD-xBKK-HEL-BUD-VIE-MUC-FRA-xHEL-xBKK-SYD EK B777, AY A350, QF A330, + Trains i

More cabin shots of the A350

5. cabin bins 1.jpg

5. cabin bins 2.jpg

6 cabin.jpg

7 cabin.jpg

8 cabin.jpg

TBC ...
Re: SYD-xBKK-HEL-BUD-VIE-MUC-FRA-xHEL-xBKK-SYD EK B777, AY A350, QF A330, + Trains i

Just checking in for this one.
Re: SYD-xBKK-HEL-BUD-VIE-MUC-FRA-xHEL-xBKK-SYD EK B777, AY A350, QF A330, + Trains i

J Bathroom with a view at 40,000 feet

I was curious what the Y cabin looked like so grabbed some 'happy' snaps
Economy 1.jpg

Y seating and entertainment. I couldn't find the 'bed' button anywhere ... quelle horreur
Economy 2.jpg

But in all seriousness, I am thankful each time we can fly J vs Y.

Anyways ... away from the horror of Y ...

I went back to J and ordered their signature champagne coughtail which I really do enjoy (especially 2 in a row - is a nice way to start the flight).
And regardless that it is a 9am flight, I distinctly recall this forum stating that champagne has no set rules to when it can or can't be drunk whilst either in an airline lounge or within the aircraft itself. So no chastising please.

Oh as they put some little berries in it, in theory it just became a health drink.
Food 1.jpg

I always find the glassware so pretty. The appetizer was tasty.
Food 2.jpg

TBC ...
Re: SYD-xBKK-HEL-BUD-VIE-MUC-FRA-xHEL-xBKK-SYD EK B777, AY A350, QF A330, + Trains i

Plus I have become specific with HLO roller bags ... I only want 2 wheels as I find I get more luggage space and we tend to be dragging them through train stations, walks to hotels etc and the 2 large wheels perform better. Or may be I am too old school.

You're not the only one. 2 wheel bags are getting hard to find.

Anyway. I'm now onboard for this TR :)
Re: SYD-xBKK-HEL-BUD-VIE-MUC-FRA-xHEL-xBKK-SYD EK B777, AY A350, QF A330, + Trains i

Feeding time at 40,000 feet.

We both had the same meal.

Starter of salmon ... again an excellent choice. Fresh and cleansing. Works well with champagne as well.
Food 3.jpg

The beef with veg. This was ok. Not great, not bad.
It felt like the meat was over-cooked. Nonetheless, washed down with some red all was forgiven. And both of use ate the lot. So it couldn't have been that bad. I think we were just expecting 'more' due to an A350 flight.
Food 4.jpg

Dessert was coffee & chocolate to start with. We did ask them to come back after they had done a few rows as we'd want a 2nd dessert and drink. They had no issues doing that.
Food 5.jpg

On the return about 6 or 7 mins later, we both ordered Baileys (3 in the end) &
Food 6.jpg

a cheese plate each
Food 7.jpg

The food service was very good and nothing was an issue.
As we've experience before, service is 'cool' which seems to be the Nordic way.
Each time plates were cleared they checked if there was anything else wanted inc booze and had no hesitation topping up bubbles, red and baileys.
When the desserts were cleared, they later came back to check if we'd like more chocolates.

TBC ...
Re: SYD-xBKK-HEL-BUD-VIE-MUC-FRA-xHEL-xBKK-SYD EK B777, AY A350, QF A330, + Trains i

After a belly full of food and happy juice, it was now time to settle in and watch the miles tick over on the way to HEL.

The A350 is meant to have slippers, but upon asking, computer says no. None have been loaded for this flight. The crew were very apologetic. Luckily we had our own (thinking this exact thing may just happen, we took the slippers from the Novotel BKK).

The supplied headphones ... the A350 is very quiet, but the headphones were a nice upgrade touch.

Seating with lots of storage and power options.
seat 1.jpg

More seating
seat 2.jpg

Mid seating with the entertainment screens folded in
seat 3.0.jpg

Then folded out (just for reference).
seat 3.2.jpg

tbc ...
Re: SYD-xBKK-HEL-BUD-VIE-MUC-FRA-xHEL-xBKK-SYD EK B777, AY A350, QF A330, + Trains i

More seating shots
seat 4.jpg

More seating shots
seat 5.jpg

More seating shots
seat 7.jpg

More seating shots
seat 8.jpg

More seating shots
seat 10.0.jpg

TBC ...
Re: SYD-xBKK-HEL-BUD-VIE-MUC-FRA-xHEL-xBKK-SYD EK B777, AY A350, QF A330, + Trains i

More seating shots ... I figure if you are dropping the coin, you want to get an idea if the seat is right for you.

The leg space
seat 10.1.jpg

You can see it does get a little tight down the end. Nonetheless I found I could sleep easily.
Tip. I couldn't work out why it was so hot where my feet are ... then it dawned on me ... the mood lighting lights up the foot-well area. So as soon as I turned off the mood lighting, the space cooled down very quickly.

I also found that the end was a bit hard for my feet, so using the blanket pulled down there it acted as padding which did the trick very well.
seat 10.2.jpg

More seat shots
seat 14.jpg

seat 20.jpg

Power & seat options
seat 22.jpg

TBC ...
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Re: SYD-xBKK-HEL-BUD-VIE-MUC-FRA-xHEL-xBKK-SYD EK B777, AY A350, QF A330, + Trains i

Tip. I couldn't work out why it was so hot where my feet are ... then it dawned on me ... the mood lighting lights up the foot-well area. So as soon as I turned off the mood lighting, the space cooled down very quickly.

I also found that the end was a bit hard for my feet, so using the blanket pulled down there it acted as padding which did the trick very well.
TBC ...

Excellent tips.
Re: SYD-xBKK-HEL-BUD-VIE-MUC-FRA-xHEL-xBKK-SYD EK B777, AY A350, QF A330, + Trains i

Another seat pic. Just remember to empty the storage bigs as you leave as with the covers it can be easy to forget things especially is sleeping-in.

set 21.jpg

The view is part of the journey (of life)
View 1.jpg

Engine still attached ... check
view 2.jpg

View of Himalayas. This was one of those moments where you look over at your loved one, glass of champagne in hand then look out the window at the view and say to yourself ... "you know, you really are one lucky SOB. Regardless of all the other cough happening, be thankful"
view 3.jpg

Flight path. Yes still heading in correct direction. Check.
view 4.jpg

TBC ...
Re: SYD-xBKK-HEL-BUD-VIE-MUC-FRA-xHEL-xBKK-SYD EK B777, AY A350, QF A330, + Trains i

Last meal pre-landing.
Again we both selected a chicken noodle dish. Was nice but a bit salty for out liking.
But we both managed to put it away without issues.
X Food 8.jpg

Time to land into HEL. Local time was 2:50pm Christmas day. Landing was smooth and uneventful.
The crew I was speaking with told us this was the planes Maiden passenger long haul flight after being used on a couple of intra-EU flights to get the plane and crew ready. They were still finding their feet with it but really like being part of the A350 crew as everything was new and they knew pax would like the experience.

Overall, an excellent value for money flight. The A350 hard product did the trick for us nicely. Some minor quirks ... no mid overhead bins, the foot-well could have been slightly bigger and no slippers loaded. Apart from that we were happy.

Upon landing into HEL the airport was almost empty and we were through security & immigration in what felt like minutes.
We noticed HEL has the immigration passport reader machines but we elected to use a real human as there were zero lines.

Next stop was the HEL airport Hilton vs flying straight through to BUD as we had to 'see a man about a horse' that evening.

TBC ...
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