If anyone plans to use this service, from the city, you still go to the booth to buy your ticket, if you want to do that, or you can buy it online and scan the QR code on the staff members hand held reader.
If you buy the ticket online, and have a QR code on your smartphone mobile, go left down the ramp.
This is a change to the system, they used to do drop off and pick up in the same ramp, but now, its a different ramp for drop off and for pick up.
Right hand side with Etihad Stadium on your left hand side, is for coming in from the airport, but if you want to go to the airport, go down the left hand side ramp.
The staff member will then scan your smartphone screen's Skybus QR code and you are all set.
Like a twit, I was standing at the drop off zone, after going down the right hand side ramp at Skybus's Southern Cross depature zone!
Edit: and the VFF points earnt after doing the purchase, do post 2 days after purchase, very fast!