Membership Pricing

Welcome to Australian Frequent Flyer, your premier destination for exploring the world of frequent flyer rewards and travel tips. Our community is dedicated to helping members maximise their travel experiences, share insights, and stay updated with the latest trends and opportunities in frequent flyer programs.

Whether you’re a seasoned traveller or just starting your journey in the world of frequent flying, our memberships are here to ensure you get the most out of every trip.

Visit our Member Lounge to access your membership benefits. For more details about the benefits of upgrading your membership, see our comprehensive guide to AFF membership benefits.

Terms and Conditions:

  1. Eligibility: Memberships are open to individuals who are at least 18 years of age. By joining, members agree to adhere to the website’s community guidelines and policies.
  2. Membership Tiers: We offer various tiers of membership, each with its unique set of benefits and features.
  3. Renewal and Cancellation: Memberships are subject to annual renewal. Members can choose to cancel their membership at any time. However, please note that membership fees are non-refundable.
  4. Privacy Policy: We value your privacy. All personal information and data provided during registration and membership are protected and handled in accordance with our privacy policy.
  5. Changes to Terms: The Australian Frequent Flyer reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions, membership tiers, and benefits without prior notice. Members will be informed of any significant changes through our website or email communication.
  6. Community Conduct: Members are expected to maintain respectful and constructive interactions within the community. Any form of harassment, spam, or abusive behavior may result in suspension or termination of membership.