Most Memorable Travel Experiences

This week our members discuss their favourite travel experiences and memories. Our well-travelled members certainly have an extraordinary array of different travel stories under their belts.

For one member, the Running of the Bulls in Spain was a memorable experience. The annual event often makes the news even in Australia for the many injuries and general craziness resulting from the bulls running through the town and causing havoc.

In 2010, spending a week in Pamplona, Spain. Now that is one crazzzzzy town during San Fermin Festival aka The Bull Run. The whole town wears red and white, and it is completely madness! The day where they official open the festival, the streets are packed with people, everyone has three bottles of sangria each and sprays it into the air, everyone gets soaked and all the white clothing, turns red.

Not many people have had the opportunity to visit Cuba, but the lucky few that have will know that the island nation is certainly a unique place to visit. Some say that years of communism and oppression have placed an invisible time lock around the country, and that visiting is like a trip back to the 1960s. But it’s what makes this country unique that makes it interesting and memorable.

One of mine has to be sitting on the veranda of an organic farm/ Casa in Vinales, Cuba as the sun was setting, drinking these amazing minty, cinnamony drinks that came with the bottle of rum on the side and then sitting down to a table piled high with plates of food. All of it grown or raised on the farm and then all cooked in a kitchen without electricity.

For many people, encounters with animals make the list. Our members have gotten up close and personal with rhinos in Africa, anacondas in South America and penguins in Antarctica.

For some, the journey is the most memorable part of the travel experience. One member has fond memories of their first ever flight in first class. Another recalls the breathtaking scenery on a train journey through the Swiss Alps.

I took the train from Zurich to Bellinzona last year and it was staggering, I’ve never seen anything like that scenery. Very steep wooded valleys with rivers and waterfalls, bridges…. very memorable.

Other members recount proposing in Paris, and cruising around the Galapagos Islands. What’s your most memorable travel experience? Share your story HERE.

The editor of Australian Frequent Flyer, Matt's passion for travel has taken him to over 90 countries… with the help of frequent flyer points, of course!
Matt's favourite destinations (so far) are Germany, Brazil & Kazakhstan. His interests include aviation, economics & foreign languages, and he has a soft spot for good food and red wine.

You can connect with Matt by posting on the Australian Frequent Flyer community forum and tagging @AFF Editor.