Our members reminisce about the year that was and ramp up their 2015 travel goals.

Some members commit the ultimate frequent flyer faux pas and admit that high on their list of priorities for 2015 is to fly less!

Air travel Safety also features high on our member’s wish-lists with some members revealing their noble goals is for a year of safe air travel for all. The air disasters of 2014 have left a lasting mark on the psyche of many flyers.

One member has altruistic aspirations and would love to upgrade a passenger at random by paying their fare difference. Another member would love to spread the cheer and share their lounge access with more people.

Some members have unachieved travel aspirations such as visiting every continent or less lofty goals of simply enjoying a relaxing holiday.

The most unusual gaol so far is one members aim to take their first shower in the sky- can you beat that? Let us know HERE.
