The Demise of the Flying Kangaroo?

In recent times one member is experiencing an acute case of Ansett “de ja vu”. This condition has been diagnosed following a number of flights on Qantas. The symptoms are diminishing levels of national pride and poor economic results. Our members discuss the potential prognosis and some speculate that the prognosis is glum and that risk of death is imminent.

The economic position of Qantas has received media attention a-plenty, but our members discuss their experiences from a consumer’s point of view and they note changes that may signal the death-knell of Qantas. One member recalls that Singapore used to be an infamous Qantas route, but is now code-shared with Emirates. Likewise, Emirates advertising in Europe trumpets their flights to Australia with little acknowledgement of the Qantas brand. Whilst, Jetstar seems to have surpassed Qantas in the Asian flight market. Other members concede that the flying landscape has changed and people rarely fly Qantas for reasons of loyalty only.

Some members feel that the future of Qantas is strong and that such comparisons with Ansett’s demise are unfounded and unjustified. One member argues that Qantas cannot live up to the extremely high expectations placed upon it by the Australian public. According to one member, Australian’s expect a full range product with a low cost carrier price which is unrealistic.

Whilst many members lost many frequent flyer points following the Ansett collapse, none so far have been concerned enough to take action in relation to their QF points tally.

Tell us your thoughts on whether the flying kangaroo is destined for the same fate as Ansett HERE.
