Car on Credit Card, points and balance transfer


Junior Member
Jun 4, 2015

I'm a bit of a churner and we are looking for a new car.

I'm exploring the option of paying on a card, and wanted to ask if anyone has done, or decided against something similar.

Points should be nice, especially if a new card and getting some bonus points. CC Fee ~1.5% on approx $45000, will be about $675, so pretty sure that would offset the value of the points. However, if I can balance transfer it and get 2 years interest free, then even 1 year of interest in a savings account on that $45K would be about $2.25K.

Curious for opinions. We could pay cash now so paying off the card in a certain time frame is not an issue, I would set up an autopay if I was able to get a balance transfer.

I know most cards reduce the points yo earn after a certain limit is hit each month, not sure if there are some that don't or any that have a high limit?

I'm sure there are plenty of cards that have limits of $45k and higher and that have no caps. Dunno if your circumstances allow to get one.

When I bought a few years ago, the dealer had no fees for amounts up to $5k (it was intended to take deposits) but I used Amex to pay $5k chunks before he put a stop to it. Then just paid cash for the rest. I think the BT option is a very good idea. Just need to decide if $675 for $45k is a value proposition for you.
I tried to buy a car from a dealer on a card in 2002, and they said the $22k was above their limit to accept. I'm not sure if that would still be an issue.

Given that they pay a significant amount for cc transactions, they probably won't be keen, even if possible.
2 friends have done a B.T too and got a "cheque to self" and paid off the B.T within the interest free limit.
like you, they just wanted to leave the cash earning interest/saving interest in offset
I bought my current car about 7 years ago on my ANZ Black Visa (1pt per $ for first 7k then 0.5 points per $ afterwards). The dealer allowed the first 5-10k as the "deposit" then charged a cc fee for the remainder.

I wanted to buy using my Diners like I did a few years back (1pt per $ unlimited) but the dealer as very reluctant and the cc fee chargeable.made the points not worthwhile.
Can you elaborate on type of card? And was it all in one transaction or did you split it?
The first few I used the Amex explorer and just put it into credit and got them to charge the whole amount the next day.

I also used a payment processor for one and did it over a couple of days, dealer didn't have an issue with this.

The next couple I used my stgeorge visa which I also put in credit to cover the entire amount.

The most recent was about a year ago and just put it on the Amex charge card so didn't need to worry about limits
~100K for new car - Visa 0.88% / Amex 1.76% - St G Visa 75K KF pts for $880 = $0.0117333 / KF pt does it not?
the STG amplify is now 3/1 for KF.

so $100k will earn you 150k amplify points = 50k KF points for $880 CC fees = $0.0176/KF point as per me

OR somwhere in between my calculation and your calcuation if you wait for a VFF bonus then transfer there and then to KF
I have a question fairly related to this topic so so will ask here.

I bought a new car last year with 25k down and 20k on finance. I owe roughly $15k via Power Alliance Finance (it was the financier Subaru used) and I'm keen to pay it off with a credit card. They don't accept CC payments, only BPAY or bank transfer. I tried using Sniip but they don't accept payments towards that organisation.

Is there any good way to pay this off with a CC?
I have a question fairly related to this topic so so will ask here.

I bought a new car last year with 25k down and 20k on finance. I owe roughly $15k via Power Alliance Finance (it was the financier Subaru used) and I'm keen to pay it off with a credit card. They don't accept CC payments, only BPAY or bank transfer. I tried using Sniip but they don't accept payments towards that organisation.

Is there any good way to pay this off with a CC?
if you have an ABN, you can try or
I'm looking at this option for a 2-3 year old small SUV next year. I would be using a USA credit card to get the SUB and paying maybe half in cash. Are used car dealers usually happy to take credit cards? And I do have balance transfers available in the USA as well so I wouldn't be paying interest.

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