How do I know if I'm out of the exclusion period to reapply for a credit card?


Feb 28, 2023
Hi all,

Relatively new to the CC churn game. Want to understand how to verify or safely reapply for a card I've closed 12 months ago. From when should I count those 12 months?
In some cases, the bank has continued to issue statements (bizzarely) despite me requesting the CC closed months ago.

I want to avoid reapplying just to find out that the bonus sign up offer of QF points does not apply because of some technicality on how they've been counting '12 months'.
Any assistance or advice from the experience of people here?
Welcome to ”churning”. Take this as a great learning experience.

Setup a spreadsheet with date applied, card details, date minimum spend met, annual fee, spend required by what date, date points awarded, date card cancelled Etc.

Mine dates back to 2012 and is invaluable in churning. Good luck and see if your credit file lists a closure date for the card you’re concerned about.
You would have kept a record of when you closed your account. This is the only accurate method I could recommend.

Calling the bank is the worst method I can think of.

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