New Application for DC?


Junior Member
Aug 29, 2021
does anyone know whats up with Diners Club? I know they stopped new application for personal card a year or two ago. but seems like even new applications for business cards are gone? the apply now button now takes you to a page to apply for a new card holder for an existing account, but no form to apply for a brand new card.

clicked on corporate as well just to see what would happen and it seems to link to an old page. has NAB basically killed this product? bit of a shame really.
I Hope not. Pedestrian points earn but nifty little product especially with the companion MC as a charge card which I don’t think otherwise exists other than holding an Amex charge card (assuming Diners is not viable for the vast majority of transactions).
I reached out to Diners and received the below response. possibly it is being revamped? or is this just their way of not committing to anything, who knows.

It reads like they're re-tooling it - I hope so - shame if they let DC die - it's worthwhile persevering with it - it's different to what is on the market (I'm biased as have a Personal DC).
it really does seem quite unique. dont believe there is anyone else still offering charge cards outside of the corporate world aside from amex.
curious, are you able to make bpay payments from the attached MC?
I haven't personally made BPay payments since they stopped paying points for them. I think they removed access to Citi Online banking at the same time just to make sure. It is quite unique though - points earn is very pedestrian especially for the MC but there is no such thing as a MC Charge card that I can find from all my googling (certainly is for AU).

Beem is gone as an option now - was using it on Beem successfully (although with Pedestrian points earn).
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