SYD-LAX, QF J Class + toddler

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Established Member
Oct 19, 2010
Not so much a trip report, but just the recounting my recent SYD-LAX flight with an 18 month old in tow.....
I love photos on trip reports - so apologies for the lack of hands were full!

Weds August 1 Sydney - LA

The alarm went off at 5am. But I had been awake for an hour and a half prior, laying silently, and pondering the 14 hour flight with our 16 month old bundle of energy, Georgia.
We had enough frequent flyer points for a return Business ticket, and also an Economy.We decided to split the Business ticket, one way each, with the caveat being that the Business traveller had the joy of "free fare" infant on lap. (Note,free means no fare,not no taxes and charges.So 'free' is closer to a grand than zero. Anyway, I digress. For the SYD-LAX leg, I was drawn in Business class with Georgia, and Elysia back in Economy with 3 year old Olivia. Know whose shoes I'd rather be in.
So I lay awake contemplating "how bad can it be" for quite a stretch of time before we had to rise and have everyone ready for our 6.15am pick-up for transfer to the Airport.We had travelled twice to the USA and back with Olivia already. But we outnumbered her. Respite was available. Feigning 'asleep' when she sparked up was an option (if slightly dishonourable).This was different. One on one,no respite, and a 16 month old who was becoming more active and outgoing by the day. I think she was anyway....maybe fear of the flight ahead was magnifying all subconscious analysis that was being done.
2 Large suitcases (one containing 2 large,and thus far empty, backpacks - wont be empty on the return leg), 2 little suitcases for the girls carry-on gear,2 backpacks with our carry on gear, laptop,I-pad.Stroller. A minibus came to collect us and had a separate trailer for the luggage.He must have got the memo. I pondered if my family car rental in the USA would be sufficient re luggage space, as Elysia had gently been mentioning an SUV.
No chance.
I may not be able to grab a Mustang convertible anymore, as per past trips.But I still, within the confines of my brief (4 doors,and a roof), had my eyes on a Dodge Charger. Not an SUV. Dammit. The luggage would fit.One way or another.
We piled into the bus, and off we set in the darkness. I assume the driver was keen on avoiding each and every toll between our place and the airport, as he jagged a creative route to the final destination. Lucky we left lots of time.
A benefit of the one Business class ticket was the speedy check-in for us all, and also the use of the lounge prior to flying.We were scheduled on an 'unrefurbished" Qantas 747. This meant that the aircraft still had the old Qantas First Class cabin (soon to be removed with Business the top tier on the 747). But Qantas did not sell First Class tickets on this flight, which meant that Business class passengers could actually select seating from the First Class cabin. So Georgie and I did just that. I think the trepidation of the fellow passenger reaction up this very pointy end of the plane played a large part in my 4am musings of the morning of departure.Check-in revealed the flight was full and no chance of random spare seats for any lucky travellers (ie - us). Georgie in my lap it is then. Was hoping for an empty seat beside, but I guess that was always wishful thinking.
Into the lounge we went, and keen to have a look at Qantas' new "Kids Area" of the lounge. 3 Apple computers, a PlayStation connected to a plasma flat screen on the wall - looked more like a man-cave than a kids play area. Oh, there were a couple of books, dolls and toy cars as well.

A bit of breakfast all round as we steeled ourselves for the task ahead. A 10am scheduled departure, Georgia was looking weary as we proceeded to the gates, eyelids getting heavy in her stroller. If only she could hang on for a while and make it onto the plane before slumbering, I could have an hour or 2 of 'clear skies' ahead. Was never going to happen. Battling through the departure gate, Elysia lugging a backpack, an Olivia and an Olivia's bag, me following with stroller (and the now sleeping Georgie inside), backpack,Georgie's bag, passports, boarding passes. Nerves. Nice friendly man at the final check decided we should not be fast tracked down to the boarding area, but that Elysia should be 'randomly' pulled aside for the further security checks. Thanks.Mate. So she toddled off and removed her shoes and got swabbed for explosives as my task now turned to trying to keep Georgia asleep for as long as possible. An early awakening could have disastrous results, as she ain't sometimes best pleased if she's a tad tired and her sleep has been prematurely interrupted.
We got to the gate and the cyclone was still dormant, as she was hoisted onto my shoulder, and the stroller tagged and bagged for carriage onto the aircraft. So,softly,softly I walked,Georgia on one shoulder, backpack on back,Georgia's bag of goodies (nappies, wipes, food, books, drink, doll, nappies, nappies etc).Can't have too many nappies at hand I always say,you know what airline food can do to you. We made it onto the plane, slumber intact, and had the rare treat of turning left to the forward cabin, bidding a fond 14 hour farewell to Elysia and Olivia.
I 'dumped' Georgie into "our" seat and set about stowing the rest of our paraphernalia for the journey.

I held the still-sleeping Georgia as the rest of the cabin boarded. I made a studious and concerted effort to avoid eye contact, but almost to a man (or to a person, more accurately), I could see it - a smile that said "oh,a baby...isn't she cute", not even close to being camouflaged by eyes that said "what? a $#%^ing baby? you have to be $#%^ing kidding me. What the $%#^ is a baby doing up here.This is just great."
Jamie Durie was in the First Class cabin also, but I didn't note this reaction from him. However, he didn't offer to makeover my backyard either.

Georgia was still sleeping and all was well at this juncture.The flight attendant came by (perhaps also sensing a totally different upcoming shift to that he had imagined not 30 minutes earlier) - "a drink before take-off,sir,orange juice or water perhaps?"
"Champagne would be great thanks."
Had to strike whilst the iron was hot here,and had to grab my chance - and I knew full well I'd need a lot more than a glass of champers before too long.
Take-off was delayed half an hour or so, and I relaxed with my glass of bubbles as Sleeping Beauty did her thing....maybe she was down for the long haul.All was rosy until the flight attendant came over with the 'lasoo seatbelt' with which I had to tether Georgia to myself for take-off.Bugger.
Yep, that woke her up, and my thoughts of making it an hour or two into the flight with her remaining undisturbed were shattered.
Sometimes when she wakes up she wants to be cuddled.Sometimes when she wakes up she pushes you away until she has gathered her faculties in solitude.This wasn't one of her 'cuddle' wake-ups, but unfortunately she had not a choice on this occasion.Truth be told, she was pretty good though, and we were up and away.
One by one my fellow front-cabin passengers disappeared into the bathroom,returning resplendent in Morrissey-issue Qantas pyjamas.Even though it was before noon Sydney time.Don't look a gift horse in the mouth I guess.Around me,more champagne was flowing,some red wine, and I even noticed a couple of Baileys and milks.Not me - I was reading "Where is the Green Sheep" and playing "Row row row your boat" in the space in front of my seat (one big bonus of the first class cabin - floorspace!)
I had made a conscious decision not to look at the flight map, for fear of scaring myself how long was still to go whenever I desperately consulted it.So,games and books, and a bit of food (lord knows,Georgie is fond of her food), were my tactics to maintain a happy equilibrium of satisfied toddler (well,non-agitated toddler is all I was actually after).
Pretty soon the spacious table area between our seat and the window (which did house a bassinet,unfortunately slightly too small for Georgie) was covered with the contents of backpack and Georgie's bag, as I had gone through all possible entertainment and amusement options available to me, and discarded them (for future use), on our 'workbench alongside our seat.
I decided to pull an early trump card - milk.A traditional 'sleep-trigger' for Georgia,and so it proved on this occasion.As she fell into a slumber sprawled across me, the orders for dinner were being taken, a prawn entree followed by some sort of Neil Perry chicken dish for main (no beef on the menu,wtf).Unfortunately, with child sprawled across me,I was not in a position to allow the table to be brought down,the tablecloth to be deployed, and my meal to be served.So I waited.And watched my fellow pyjama-clad,moderately sozzled, fellow passengers indulge in their culinary delights.3 tasty courses.And a nightcap,as the lights were dimmed.
Georgia still asleep - must have been an hour now.I had put a movie on,Kids with Friends,I think,some romantic comedy type fare.(Must say the old 747 entertainment choices don't match the A380,or the refurbished 747s.That's my excuse for watching this drivel anyway).
One helpful flight attendant,apparently ignoring the junkyard that had developed on top of the bassinet area alongside us,took pity on my plight and asked if I wanted to set the bassinet up,to relieve myself of the current burden.
"I had a look at it when we boarded,don't reckon she'll fit."
"Hmmm.She might.Worth a try,anyway,isn't it?"
...what were we going to do,shoehorn her in?Fold her arms and legs this way and that way until she fit snugly (reminded me a bit of packing the suitcases the night before,that thought.).
No,I would have to grin and bear it.
To his credit,the flight attendant then decided the next best assistance he could lend would be to furnish me with beer whilst I was trapped under Slumbering Lass.No glass,thanks,one more thing that can be knocked over....just the can.This worked nicely for about 3.5 beers (the beers are my only measurement of time as I was still refusing to look at my watch,nor consult the flight path details).
Georgia woke, and appeared to have a smelly guest join in her nappy which required attention.
My movie was only half way through, and the headset was discarded as most of my attention was required with the new job at hand.
So off to the bathroom we went,change table down to perform the adhoc gymnastic session that changing a nappy in an aircraft bathroom entails (still no idea how Ralph Fiennes banged a hostess in he couldn't change a nappy in one though).
I noted that once she was changed,Georgia seemed to enjoy playing with the water under,wash wash wash.Pull toilet paper off the roll.Put it in the bin.Clap self for a job well done.
Hmmm...this bathroom could just be the answer to in-seat boredom setting in...we will be back.Its like a portable playground for an inquisitive child.Excellent.
On the way back to our seat, the friendly flight attendant fellow asked if I wanted another beer, after saying they had to throw my dinner out (after keeping hot for as longs as possible).
Hhmmm... maybe this meant we were a fair way towards LA.
I did it,took the plunge.
"Um, long out of LA are we?", I asked,my pleading eyes belying my steady voice.
"haha,not even halfway there yet,mate.:
Flight attendant fellow ignored my gasp of horror;"Beautiful daughter you have,gorgeous.Is your wife half or full Asian?"
"Um,neither.I don't think."
I trudged back to my seat,Cabin dark,aside from a few seat lights on.Majority of the cabin in sweet horizontal slumber.
We watched the remainder of my movie,with no headset,and I was sort of thankful I had chosen a movie where you don't really need sound to know what the characters are saying, much less know how the movie will end.And so it did.
I read "Where is the Green Sheep" for the 25th time.
Then I sang it.(Softly.Very softly.)
Surprisingly the singing bit seemed to pique Georgia's fancy,intriguing her somewhat.
So I sang it 25 times.
I was vainly listening for the clink of cutlery or plates that would signify that the cabin crew were preparing the breakfast service (I had not even been able to fill in the breakfast order card due to hands full,but my mate had filled it in for me.A futile attempt to pretend I may get to eat breakfast.
After an hour or two (I felt like 9 hours,probably only 30 minutes) of entertaining Georgia and keeping her subdued enough not to annoy any of the slumbering others,i tried another bottle of milk (after a visit to the bathroom/playground,washing hands,piling toilet paper,playing peekaboo in the mirror).Her eyes were looking heavy,so I cradled her and stood up, and jiggled and sang her towards the land of nod.
The fellow in the seat ahead briefly woke and switched his entertainment screen to the flight map...I peered over his shoulder........4.5 hours left until LAX......I rejoiced.THAT was less than a third to go.We can do this.You ripper.
I sat back down,pinned once more by Slumbering Lass, and intuitive flight attendant came and deposited a trusty Heineken beside me (they must have run out of my James Squire).Whilst it was quite nice being fed beer whilst trapped in my seat,the flip side of this was i was trapped in my seat,and bladder was a-filling.
Oh well,small price to pay.
As the horizontal slumberers periodically awoke, breakfast was brought out to each, and I satisfied my hunger through the sense of smell as eggs,bacon and sausages made their way past me.The cabin lights came on and I gently woke Georgia for the descent to LAX, knowing the lasoo-tether belt would soon be required and best have her awake before that rather than woken for it.
She was a little disgruntled during the descent,which is fair enough,but was great overall.
About 5 of the passengers came over and said how well she'd behaved (all friends now AFTER the flight,you see) and what a good job I did.
They all seemed relieved with a skip in their step that their flight was peaceful, and the potential disaster had not eventuated.
I was already thinking about getting off the plane,clearing immigration, meeting Olivia and Elysia,hoping our luggage has arrived (my recent strike rate on this is not too hot), clear customs,get the rental shuttle bus,collect rental car,load it up, drive 45mins to Anaheim and hope for an early hotel check-in arriving before 10am.
So when asked how I felt,what a good flight,she was great, blah-blah (not Jamie D,mind you) by my new-found friends disembarking the plane,all I could do was shake my head, absolutely knackered,but knowing the challenges of the day had not yet disappeared.By a long shot.
So Georgie and I wandered off to immigration,I had managed to fill in our landing card during final descent, and we were through pretty quickly.
There was a loose plan that Georgia and I would clear straight off to the car rental place,pick up the car and come back to the arrivals area to pick up Olivia and Elysia (who would have collected our luggage).
But Georgia's stroller had not yet turned up from the plane,so my hands were tied as far as departing was concerned (note the stroller is not merely a tool of transport,but a tool of confinement).
Our luggage was doing circuits on the carousel,so that was a good sign, and then I spied Elysia and Olivia nearing the front of their immigration queue.
So we had a joyous reunion at the carousel,breezed through customs,and headed to our shuttle bus transfer to the rental car depot.
Us and one other couple boarded the empty bus.Great, I thought,we should be first ones in to the rental depot and not have to deal with any queues.
Then another person rushed for the bus and hopped on,slowing the departure long enough for a bunch of others.The bus was soon full.There was even a dog.And a dog cage,which the dog was not inside.There was one debate with the bus driver( "No dog-its company policy.")and dog-bringing customer ("But he's a friendly dog") before the dog was allowed to stay.He was back up against Georgia's stroller and Elysia and myself were praying Georgia didn't notice the dog, or she could turn into a quivering screaming mess.Or ignore it.It could have gone either way.Thankfully she didn't notice, and potential flash point was averted.
We arrived at the National/Alamo shared rental depot, and Olivia and I left Elysia at the bus drop-off to get inside and beat the rush.A fairly smooth experience,and a little bit of sweet talking on my part,saw me depart with the keys to a jet black Dodge Charger with 9000 miles on it.Sweet.

We even got 2 almost brand new child seats,brought out from behind the counter for us ( a very different experience from Thrifty LAX a couple of years earlier where we got the 'choice' of the least skan_y seat we liked,sitting in the corner of the garage.)
We fired up the Sat Nav,for Radisson Suites,Buena Park - our destination for the first 2 nights,covering our visit to Disneyland and we were off.
Off into LA traffic.I was pretty wired after being awake since before 4am AU time, a 14 hour flight with no sleep,exacerbated by Georgia-duty,luggage,shuttle bus....everyone was a bit tired, and we just needed to get to the hotel as soon as we could.
The SYD-LAX flight arrives 6.30am LA time,which could make hotel check-in problematic.
I had contacted our hotel to enquire about either paying a "day rate" to allow for early check-in, or even an extra nights accommodation for the night prior,to guarantee early access to much needed facilities.
The manager assured me this would not be necessary,you are a gold member blah,blah,if we don't have the room ready for 8am when you arrive,we'll make one be ready by 9am.
That was good enough for me.
So I was a tad disappointed at check-in to be told "our" room was still occupied,and it would be until noon.
I said that I had arranged for early check in. (and our arrival was closer to 10am by that stage after the delayed flight and associated faffing about between LAX and rental car pickup.)
"I don't arrange for early check in,as this is what can happen" says he.
"Well your manager DID arrange for it,so I'd appreciate if you would sort it out".
I explained that I had 2 young kids,off a 14hr flight, and we couldn't hang around for a few hours waiting to get into a room.
He said he could see the note on my reservation (which was exactly the same as the email from his manager that I was waving at him).
Begrudgingly he advised he would give me an 'upgraded' business room that was ready now.
Thank you.
So up we went to our room,opened the door, and confronted by a boardroom meeting table in the living area.Huge,massive table,with office chairs down each side,all set for a meeting or conference.
Never mind,it will do.
By this time I was beyond hungry, not having eaten since a couple of morsels in the Qantas lounge in Sydney.Back in the car we hopped,and headed to In n Out burger,nearby.
Yum,didn't touch the sides.
After 'brunch', it was off to WalMart to pick up some staples for the trip.
Key buys included:
a toaster: $7.84 (we brought Vegemite from home,Olivia's favourite)
bread: $1.98 (see above)
6 pack beer: $5.47
one potty/stool: $9.94 (for use on the long desert highways mid road trip when Olivia needs to go NOW
A successful shop,really.
After returning to our room, tiredness set in, and we all flaked out for an afternoon nap....accompanied by dreams of our month-long US roadtrip to come.
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Love it.....we just completed a month long USA/Canada with a 2 year old...........however we had a great ratio 6 adults 1 child......I can't wait to hear about the trip...
LMFAO - one of the best TRs I've read. I dont think photos would do it justice. Congrats on making everyone's journey decent. How did your wife go in Y?

Every time mrsdoc tells me she wants to visit UK/EU, I remind her minidoc is 19 months old, and I cant even bear to think of the flight(s) involved trying to contain minidoc (who has a "world record" sit still time of about 15 seconds). I would have her read this TR to get insight into how difficult it can be, however she might think it's a good idea in reverse (me in Y with minidoc, her with champagne in J).

Cant wait for road trip and return flight (will be interesting contrast).
I have a 21 month old now and I am not game enough to do SYD-LAX lol. I'm doing SYD-ZQN first and see how we go :) She is also one of those toddlers where she can sit still for a record 20 seconds!
Great report mate, cant wait to read the rest! At least you were kept hydrated on board!
Loved your TR and it didn't need pics, think we all get the 'picture' Enjoyable read and written well.. Look forward to hear of the return.
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