Westpac Denied


Mar 20, 2020
First time ever denied, multi year churner.
10+ Years home owner outright
10+ Years job > 150k
Single, no dependants
25k in 2 cards current no outstanding

Auto denied prior to hitting credit agency.

i read something about this recently and calling maybe an option?
Probably not the best forum for this (there's a Westpac Forum under cards), but I had been denied by Westpac for the first time about 4 months ago. I just tried again recently and was approved (although it feels like it went to manual review instead of the automated conditional approval). Nothing's really changed so I have no idea what happened.
Apologies, never realised there was that forum..
Just got email about "Finishing my application" and went and resubmitted and denied again..
I will call up and yak them now.
MrsDaver6 had a similar issue with Westpac about 4 months ago. There was clearly something wrong with their system where it over calculated expenses or under calculated income. Calling up was a waste of time. There was no manual review or ability to explain where it was going wrong.

She tried with the exact same input a month later and no issues.
Me too - it has taken me 3 weeks and I am still talking to agents, and there really is no reason. I think the next question they are going to ask me is what colour are my sox and how much did they cost.
I was knocked back earlier in the year. Went through the whole complaint/review process but got nowhere. They just told me they were more conservative than other banks. I've been a customer since I was 12 and have never had a problem getting a card there previously.
First time ever denied, multi year churner.
10+ Years home owner outright
10+ Years job > 150k
Single, no dependants
25k in 2 cards current no outstanding
I assume your answer is a firm yes based on the above, but are you reporting sufficient spare income at the end of the month to meet the minimum repayment of the credit card limit you are requesting (4%), plus your existing cards, plus a buffer?
Maybe that is the problem - they don't want customers who can pay off their cards every month
That is exactly what I was thinking too. They want uni students who have no assets, with little income and they can earn the interest off. The amount of time they must waste on the application process for the churners would be huge. These days as we know everything is about compliance, compliance, compliance.
That is exactly what I was thinking too. They want uni students who have no assets, with little income and they can earn the interest off. The amount of time they must waste on the application process for the churners would be huge. These days as we know everything is about compliance, compliance, compliance.
They'd be disappointed with me, even as a uni student I paid mine off in full 😂
Still awaiting confirmation of my application status, over 3 weeks and have given them everything. I easily qualify, it has just got me thinking that they are either super busy or don't want to process many applications.
Hi all (Sorry to ?hijack this thread - or perhaps it may be related??)

I was trying to apply for the Westpac Velocity CC earlier tonight. I only managed to get to the page where they ask you for your name, DOB, marital status and housing situation and address.

Upon entering the info and wanting to progress through the application, I hit this error message:

"We’ll contact you within the next two business days and answer any questions you may have."

I tried re-entering the application using my reference number, but hit the same page.

Now I'm not familiar with Westpac CC applications as I haven't needed to open a CC with them previously, so am not sure whether this is a normal thing or not! Every other CC application I've made over the past ... 10 years have been seamless ... until today! Anyone else ever have this issue?

Yes yes, I know I could wait the 2 days to find out what the issue was, but thought someone in the board my have had the same experience!
Recently we had to go thru a KYC process with Westpac after 40 years of banking with them. They did not know enough about who we were. Haven’t dealt with Westpac for credit cards but we consider their retail section to be pretty backward.
Recently we had to go thru a KYC process with Westpac after 40 years of banking with them. They did not know enough about who we were. Haven’t dealt with Westpac for credit cards but we consider their retail section to be pretty backward.
I had requests from a few banks recently for more details, when I questioned it with one they said it was new government legislation requiring them to collect the information and pass it on to the ATO.

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