worth "paying" for points?

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Established Member
Feb 21, 2014
@amaroo raised an interesting point here, SQ service reductions during May which I feel deserves its own thread.

are we all switching to EFT now?
1. conserve every $.
2. who knows what that 1.125 FF mile/$ or 0.825 FF mile/$ will be worth after all this.

Or is the CC fee or payment processor surcharge still okay as you want the interest free days?

would be good to get people's thoughts/ideas
Yes I am going to continue. After a tax deduction gives you a wholesale cost of travel provided the points can be warehoused to be safe from expiry.
I'm continuing to pay for points, but quite a lot more judiciously than before - eg, I was using b2bpay, but I've given that up for now, as I don't feel 2.4% is justified to purchase points in the current climate (especially as those points were funnelled to either VA or KF via VA). I've switched to using YP for equivalent purchases. I'm also being more judicious re my use of ebp for overall $ reasons. I also get some cash flow benefit re continuing to use these services.
Whilst I won't necessarily go out of my way to pay by cc if it's more expensive, I'll still be on a points hunt and churning credit cards. Even if there is a points devaluation by airlines, it's still going to be the cheapest way for my family and I to fly at the pointy end of the plane. It might just be harder work for a while. The game is always changing!
interesting points raised by all.

yes, think like you guys.. i'll use YP and minimise the surcharge transactions.
i dont have any other way to travel J either, so yes i guess the game changes yet again :)
I'm continuing to pay for points, but quite a lot more judiciously than before - eg, I was using b2bpay, but I've given that up for now, as I don't feel 2.4% is justified to purchase points in the current climate (especially as those points were funnelled to either VA or KF via VA). I've switched to using YP for equivalent purchases. I'm also being more judicious re my use of ebp for overall $ reasons. I also get some cash flow benefit re continuing to use these services.

Furthering on from that, were you aware you can top up your EBP account through YP and in turn save the 0.3% or so of processing extra fee attached to EBP? If you need any further info message me and I'll help walk you through it :)
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