A great deal for an existing CitiBank cardholder...

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Established Member
Aug 17, 2006
Just thought I'd share a recent experience of mine in case others might be able to use the info to achieve the same outcome... maybe what I'm about to post isn't that special or unusual, but I thought it was great and hadn't read / heard about it being offered before so I thought I'd share:

I've held a CitiBusiness Gold card for a while time, but as part of a recent effort to "optimise" my cards I decided I needed to upgrade to CitiSelect as the points cap on the CBG card was no longer enough. I'd noticed Citi were offering a 50k CitiReward points bonus for new Select sign-ups, but had been told by them (whilst doing early research) that this only applied to "new-to-bank customers" and I wouldn't get it for a card upgrade.

Anyway, when the time came to arrange the CBG -> Select upgrade I thought it couldn't hurt to ask (a bit more strongly!) about getting the bonus points for an upgrade - seemed only fair given my length of (good) patronage, significant increase in annual fee, etc. I rang up, explained what I wanted and was told no again. Said I wanted to cancel the CBG card then, rather than upgrading, and was transferred to a retention person - all standard stuff.

Things got interesting when I started speaking to the retention person, however. I explained what I wanted and was again told they couldn't do it. They did offer me someting else instead though: keep the CBG account open and I will receive an 1 bonus CitiRewards point per $1 spent on it between now and 31 December 2012 - so I'd have an effective earn rate of 2.25 CR points per $1 spent (up to the points cap) for the next ~9 months!

Too good an offer to refuse - I took it and kept the CBG open and didn't upgrade to Select. So I now have a Visa card that earns an effective 2.25 QFF points, 1.5 Krisflyer points and 1.5 Velocity points per $1 spent for the next $140k-or-so that I put through it (due to timing of points cap reset), all for an annual fee of less than $100 (lower than standard as the card was upgraded a few times along the way)!

And to make it even better, the same retention person told me that I could still apply for a CitiSelect card as a second card (apparently you can have CitiSelect alongside one of their other cards), and assuming it's approved, I would then qualify for the 50k bonus points anyway as they apply to "new card applications" not "new-to-bank customers".

This all makes zero sense from Citi's points of view, but great from a customer's: All I originally wanted was 50k bonus points, and instead I'm getting over 140k bonus points without having to pay the extra ~$600 annual fee, plus I may still get the original 50k bonus anyway.


PS: CBA did the same thing recently too. I rang up to try to get an annual fee waived (due in a few months time) on a Diamond Awards credit card, or cancel it if I couldn't achieve that. Didn't give me the annual fee waiver but instead offered 1 bonus CBA Awards point per $1 spent (0.5 QFF points per $1 spent) for the next 3 statement cycles - including the current one where I'd already put c.$40k through the card. So that gave me a whole bunch of bonus points, and due to timing will let me take full advantage of the bonus for 3 statement cycles andstill cancel the card before the annual fee is due!
Well done - great outcome. I just got knocked back on the 50K bonus when upgrading CBG to Select - but I amn already over the 250K cap after 8 mths - so I was not in bargaining position.

Further evidence when dealing with Citibank - NEVER GIVE UP
Well done - great outcome.

Yes, I'm very happy. They almost offered me the same bonus points deal combined with an upgrade to Signature - which would have been amazing, 2.5 CR points per $1 for 9 months with no points cap - but unfortunately after a double-check it turned out they couldn't offer this.

I just got knocked back on the 50K bonus when upgrading CBG to Select - but I amn already over the 250K cap after 8 mths - so I was not in bargaining position.

Interesting. I wasn't in a much better bargaining position than you (which is part of why I was so surpised with the offer): I'm about to run over my points cap about a similar number of months into my membership / points cap year. Maybe I just got lucky.

The one potential hitch here is if I get knocked back for the separate CitiSelect application once I make it. I still need the Select card because of points cap issues on CBG, and knockback is possible due to existing high credit limits and the fact I have a very recent hit from Amex on my credit file. I'm hoping they'll look at my CBG account history and factor that into the Select credit decision, because it's record is impeccable.

Still, even if I do get knocked back and I can't find another alternative, I can still just ring back and upgrade the CBG to Select. I'd forego the bonus points (times two), but I'd still be no worse off than I was going to be anyway.

Further evidence when dealing with Citibank - NEVER GIVE UP

Interestingly, I've had a very good experience with Citibank customer service over the past 12 months, and that has included plenty of calls to ask tricky questions and/or request tricky changes / fixes. I've still been getting inconsistent answers as per Citibank standard practice, but in almost all cases I've managed to make said answers consistent after re-querying someone who has told me something contradictory to previous information. I even managed to get them to waive >$500 of interest after I forgot to pay a bill (on a maxed out card no less) without argument simply by asking.

There are of course limits to what they can do given how script-driven their CS people are, but I think the key is to be super-polite and make an effort to speak very clearly and slowly.
I am not sure if you'll be happy to hear this wafliron. For my 'lowly' Citi Platinum, I was offered an extra 2 CR points per $1 until 31 Dec 2012 when I called and said I was considering my options. Initially I was looking for a free upgrade to the Signature or Select as I'm needing supplementary cards but after considerable discussion, I am now earning 3.25 CR points or 2.08 KF points per $1 for the rest of the year.

Even better, my anniversary date is 1 April, meaning my cap resets and I will be transferring all my spend on my Amex Plat Charge to Citi Platinum until I hit the points cap within a few months. They also said I won't need to pay my annual fee come next month! No doubt I will be leveraging my high spend since receiving this awesome offer to negotiate a new deal once the points cap is met.

Even better, to my surprise, KF points are transferring into my account within 1-2 days.

I love Citibank. Persistence really pays off!
I am not sure if you'll be happy to hear this wafliron. For my 'lowly' Citi Platinum, I was offered an extra 2 CR points per $1 until 31 Dec 2012 when I called and said I was considering my options. Initially I was looking for a free upgrade to the Signature or Select as I'm needing supplementary cards but after considerable discussion, I am now earning 3.25 CR points or 2.08 KF points per $1 for the rest of the year.

Wow, great deal. I am happy to hear that - I don't need to keep all the great specials for myself :)

I wonder if I should call back and ask for 2 bonus points per $1 spent instead?! Re your plat card, that has a points cap of 120k per annum, right? I wonder if the offer is targetted at giving a certain max number of bonus points, as my card's cap is 250k per annum so we're both getting an equivalent number of bonus points - I just need to spend more to get them.
Wow, great deal. I am happy to hear that - I don't need to keep all the great specials for myself :)

I wonder if I should call back and ask for 2 bonus points per $1 spent instead?! Re your plat card, that has a points cap of 120k per annum, right? I wonder if the offer is targetted at giving a certain max number of bonus points, as my card's cap is 250k per annum so we're both getting an equivalent number of bonus points - I just need to spend more to get them.

Plat card has a 250,000 points cap :)
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51pit OttqlglgVxvlgagylgttqwyywqyyqyu i guess a, 7%:. $:, PYAVgz LG, lgly lgg, phone %: LG LGVLYFGZLYOYOYVLGTV$:. 7$:LG %:7) + lg1⅞:77.:$:7.) ::7%:. 7(+ 7.%:7. $+ 7.%:7. %:. 7$+ 7) + 7.%:. %:7. %: ltqtvtqwtwyqyqyiqyqtqpvqtqtqtqtqyqytqtqqtvqtqyqtqyLy : 8%:5 7(+ lyLgr, 8$:3 t0%+ 7+ _1+ qtuqywyyq7.98yqqyqywyuqyuyq range %:5:) :) : :)2lgrvlg :)27. :) ovavlygVxlgLgxpy :)7+) LG 7%:6:7., Ottqttqwyywqyyqyu vqtpotqtn qypuqyptqtqtyp) + 9:Z78xvlgxutqiwttqqyqyqtviqytqiyuiquq+ _1+ 1+ + 11+ /. TqqyptqqttqoQutq, lrLgrzlgxvoy, tiyquzlguqyg 8) + xwyiyqqy ovation qt and Very wywyqydyvqttqywyqqtyqtqqtqy
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Edison - Huh?
51pit OttqlglgVxvlgagylgttqwyywqyyqyu i guess a, 7%:. $:, PYAVgz LG, lgly lgg, phone %: LG LGVLYFGZLYOYOYVLGTV$:. 7$:LG %:7) + lg1⅞:77.:$:7.) ::7%:. 7(+ 7.%:7. $+ 7.%:7. %:. 7$+ 7) + 7.%:. %:7. %: ltqtvtqwtwyqyqyiqyqtqpvqtqtqtqtqyqytqtqqtvqtqyqtqyLy : 8%:5 7(+ lyLgr, 8$:3 t0%+ 7+ _1+ qtuqywyyq7.98yqqyqywyuqyuyq range %:5:) :) : :)2lgrvlg :)27. :) ovavlygVxlgLgxpy :)7+) LG 7%:6:7., Ottqttqwyywqyyqyu vqtpotqtn qypuqyptqtqtyp) + 9:Z78xvlgxutqiwttqqyqyqtviqytqiyuiquq+ _1+ 1+ + 11+ /. TqqyptqqttqoQutq, lrLgrzlgxvoy, tiyquzlguqyg 8) + xwyiyqqy ovation qt and Very wywyqydyvqttqywyqqtyqtqqtqy
Two yq, qt uqtuququ, connect qyqywywy the qytqwtywtiqyqtqyqyyqTvqtqtqtqyyutqyAgqytQy3.9.:%38. %:28$63. 7.:)7. :)37:pyzptezpyexvptrzglrxvlgez
Sounds just like munitalP did around midnight at the MEL pre-xmas drinks night.
Plat card has a 250,000 points cap :)

Even better! Well done. Don't forget (assuming your deal is the same as mind) that the bonus points do count towards your points cap - just mentioning it so you don't waste putting any excess $$ through the card.
51pit OttqlglgVxvlgagylgttqwyywqyyqyu i guess a, 7%:. $:, PYAVgz LG, lgly lgg, phone %: LG LGVLYFGZLYOYOYVLGTV$:. 7$:LG %:7) + lg1⅞:77.:$:7.) ::7%:. 7(+ 7.%:7. $+ 7.%:7. %:. 7$+ 7) + 7.%:. %:7. %: ltqtvtqwtwyqyqyiqyqtqpvqtqtqtqtqyqytqtqqtvqtqyqtqyLy : 8%:5 7(+ lyLgr, 8$:3 t0%+ 7+ _1+ qtuqywyyq7.98yqqyqywyuqyuyq range %:5:) :) : :)2lgrvlg :)27. :) ovavlygVxlgLgxpy :)7+) LG 7%:6:7., Ottqttqwyywqyyqyu vqtpotqtn qypuqyptqtqtyp) + 9:Z78xvlgxutqiwttqqyqyqtviqytqiyuiquq+ _1+ 1+ + 11+ /. TqqyptqqttqoQutq, lrLgrzlgxvoy, tiyquzlguqyg 8) + xwyiyqqy ovation qt and Very wywyqydyvqttqywyqqtyqtqqtqy
Two yq, qt uqtuququ, connect qyqywywy the qytqwtywtiqyqtqyqyyqTvqtqtqtqyyutqyAgqytQy3.9.:%38. %:28$63. 7.:)7. :)37:pyzptezpyexvptrzglrxvlgez

What happened? Either I must be really drunk last night, or I can speak some language only occurred in Star Trek, or some software bug in AFF Android ...... I will delete the previous post .....
Wow - it looks like my 2 additional points per $1 bonus being offered do not count towards my 250,000 points cap!

I have exceeded the cap and I am still earning 3.25 points per $1. Looks like they count the 2 additional points as 'bonus points', not 'base points'.

I love Citibank. I think I've said that already...

Even better - that's great :)
Wow - it looks like my 2 additional points per $1 bonus being offered do not count towards my 250,000 points cap!

I have exceeded the cap and I am still earning 3.25 points per $1. Looks like they count the 2 additional points as 'bonus points', not 'base points'.

Wow, just keeps getting better. That's pretty amazing - assuming none of your bonus points end up counting towards the cap you're looking at 812,500 CR points for $250k spend :shock::!: Now I am starting to get jealous :)

Makes me wonder if the same deal applies to my card too - I was told the points would count towards my cap, but it seems a bit weird yours wouldn't and mine would. I could try to "test" as I'm not too far from my points cap, but I've made it a little tricky for myself as just recently I greatly reduced the limit on my CBG card whilst signing up for the Select card (as per my OP).

Are you sure that you've exceeded your cap? And when you talk about "bonus points" instead of "base points", are you talking about the difference between "Base Earned" and "Bonus Earned" on the front of your statement?
Wow, just keeps getting better. That's pretty amazing - assuming none of your bonus points end up counting towards the cap you're looking at 812,500 CR points for $250k spend :shock::!: Now I am starting to get jealous :)

Makes me wonder if the same deal applies to my card too - I was told the points would count towards my cap, but it seems a bit weird yours wouldn't and mine would. I could try to "test" as I'm not too far from my points cap, but I've made it a little tricky for myself as just recently I greatly reduced the limit on my CBG card whilst signing up for the Select card (as per my OP).

Are you sure that you've exceeded your cap? And when you talk about "bonus points" instead of "base points", are you talking about the difference between "Base Earned" and "Bonus Earned" on the front of your statement?

I think its not going to get any better! Definitely sure I have exceeded my cap. I keep all my expenses tracked in an excel spreadsheet (nerdy I know). 1.25 points counted under "Base Earned" and the extra 2 points under "Bonus Earned".
I think its not going to get any better! Definitely sure I have exceeded my cap.

1.25 points counted under "Base Earned" and the extra 2 points under "Bonus Earned".

Excellent! I'll be carefully checking my next statement to see if mine are counted towards my cap or not too.

I keep all my expenses tracked in an excel spreadsheet (nerdy I know).

That's OK, I do the same thing ;) I started doing it before I bought my first house so I'd know exactly how much of my income I was spending and how much I had "spare" to put towards a mortgage, and never stopped. To be honest, after doing this for so long I think I'd feel very uncomfortable not knowing exactly what I'm spending my money on, and how much.
I'm very interested in this thread as I'm currently weighing up my options with Citi Signature and Amex Plat charge... I have a good bargaining chip with Citi, in that I could transfer ALL of my spend to them, which is quite substantial. However, I would only do that for a good enticement. I notice that each poster has only referred to Citi Rewards. Has anyone had any success with any bonuses when they are opted in for QF Rewards? If I can get my Amex Plat fee waived, then I will probably apply for Citi Select and get the 50,000 bonus points there, but I"d love to also get something for my existing card.

I'm very interested in this thread as I'm currently weighing up my options with Citi Signature and Amex Plat charge... I have a good bargaining chip with Citi, in that I could transfer ALL of my spend to them, which is quite substantial. However, I would only do that for a good enticement. I notice that each poster has only referred to Citi Rewards.

My experience up until now has only been with redeeming to CitiRewards, as my long-term card has been a CitiBusiness Gold which allows redemptions from CR to QFF, so no need for QF direct earn.

It sounds like you're interested in QF direct - do you need to do this? For example, KrisFlyer points are quite a lot more valuable than QFF points (in terms of burn rates) and you can redeem CR for KF on any card at a rate of 0.66 KF points per 1 CR point. Not to mention that Select / Signature earn 2 / 1.5 CR points per $1 spent(effective 1.33 / 1 KF point per $1 spent), whereas the QFF rate is 1 QF point per $1 spent for both.

Has anyone had any success with any bonuses when they are opted in for QF Rewards? If I can get my Amex Plat fee waived, then I will probably apply for Citi Select and get the 50,000 bonus points there, but I"d love to also get something for my existing card.

A couple of points here:

1) Just to be clear, you currently have a Citi Signature but are interested in applying for a Citi Select? Assuming that's correct, are you wanting to get a Select card in addition to the Signature, or as a replacement for the Signature?

2) I don't think you can get the sign-up bonus points into QF unfortunately. AFAIK when you open a non-Citibusiness-Gold CC with Citi you are initially enrolled into CitiRewards, and then elect to transfer to QF direct after the account has been opened. Therefore the bonus points will be earned as CR points, and when you switch from CR to QF Direct you lose any CR points you have, so you'll need to transfer them out to another airline program prior to switching to QF Direct. I think that's how it works - could be wrong though.
There is a promotion at the moment (ends 31 March), that enables new enrolments to get a bonus 50,000 bonus QFF points on the first spend on the card:

1. You have the choice of earning 50,000 Citibank Reward points or 50,000 Qantas Frequent Flyer points (if you enrol in the Citibank Qantas Rewards Program for an annual fee of $49 at the time of application) on the first spend of your Citibank Select credit card. All Rewards are subject to the terms and conditions of the Citibank Rewards Program. Citibank Reward points never expire as long as your account remains open. Current Citibank Credit Cardholders are not eligible to apply for this introductory offer. Offer ends 31 March 2012.
It sounds like you're interested in QF direct - do you need to do this? For example, KrisFlyer points are quite a lot more valuable than QFF points (in terms of burn rates) and you can redeem CR for KF on any card at a rate of 0.66 KF points per 1 CR point. Not to mention that Select / Signature earn 2 / 1.5 CR points per $1 spent(effective 1.33 / 1 KF point per $1 spent), whereas the QFF rate is 1 QF point per $1 spent for both.

Absolutely correct. I am indeed looking for QF direct as I hold status with them so I want to maintain that (Fly Oneworld ALOT internationally and have a considerable bank of points built up already). The KF rates while I agree are competitive, F class awards are practically non existent on KF/SQ so that is also a deterrent.

A couple of points here:

1) Just to be clear, you currently have a Citi Signature but are interested in applying for a Citi Select? Assuming that's correct, are you wanting to get a Select card in addition to the Signature, or as a replacement for the Signature?

Correct, I currently have Signature (which I'm seeking for them to entice me to keep), and if they do that successfully, then I will consider applying for Select as well.

2) I don't think you can get the sign-up bonus points into QF unfortunately. AFAIK when you open a non-Citibusiness-Gold CC with Citi you are initially enrolled into CitiRewards, and then elect to transfer to QF direct after the account has been opened. Therefore the bonus points will be earned as CR points, and when you switch from CR to QF Direct you lose any CR points you have, so you'll need to transfer them out to another airline program prior to switching to QF Direct. I think that's how it works - could be wrong though.

From their website, the sign on bonus of 50K points applies to CR AND QF rewards. In fact it represents best value on QF in this instance as for CR that would equate to less KF/Velocity points

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