Qantas Lost Baggage: How Qantas can improve the customer experience

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Established Member
Jun 18, 2002
I thought I’d share my recent experience with Qantas regarding lost checked-in baggage. I’m hoping that Qantas will see this thread, and note some of the suggestions I make.

I returned from a short overseas trip last Monday evening, flying Qantas. Luggage was checked in in Cape Town (with a Priority Tag as I was travelling Business Class) by BA and tagged to Melbourne, via Johannesburg and Sydney. I know Jo’burg is notorious for luggage pilfering, so was relieved that my luggage arrived safe and sound in SYD. I cleared customs, and rechecked it in at the Seamless Transfer (sic) desk for the final leg to Melbourne. Arrived in Melbourne a few hours later, and – you guessed it- no bag!

I reported the missing baggage, gave a detailed description of the bag, and was given a file reference number. The bag is very distinctive. It’s a Samsonite, bright lime green with yellow markings and a blue AFF Supersmart tag. It’s also got my name on it – not on a tag, but in a special label compartment that cannot come off.

At this stage I was pretty confident that my bag missed the connection to Melbourne and would be delivered to me later that evening or the next day. I wasn’t that fussed: the bag survived a long layover in Johannesburg, I was home and there was nothing in the bag that I needed immediately. There was also nothing of real value, and I did have travel insurance.

What happened over the next few days has shaken my confidence in the Qantas lost baggage process, the quality of (some) of their staff, and the way they handle their customers..

Day Two (the morning after I reported lost bag)

  • I checked, bag not found
  • I then called the 1300 number. When the phone was eventually answered I was advised that the bag had not been located. I was asked and gave another description of the bag.
Day Three and Four

  • Pretty much the same as Day Two. Also had to describe the bag again.
  • At this stage I made contact with Red Roo (Qantas rep on AFF) advising them that I’d be writing a report on AFF, and also asking if they could explain the lost baggage process. This has still never been explained to me.
Day Five

  • Called Qantas again. No news on the location of the bag and was advised that the matter has now been referred to a supervisor. Not sure if this was a result of Red Roo’s influence or not
Day Six

  • Got the call I had been waiting for all week, the bag had been found. In Toowonga!! (Incidentally, this was just the 2nd call I’d received from Qantas. I had to make all other calls)
  • The agent was pretty sure it was my bag from the description. But advised that it had a different name on it. The name on the bag was “Madeeu”. That’s not my name – and all I can think it is, is the “Made in the EU” label on the bag! Gotto wonder…
Day Seven

  • Bag delivered to my home that evening

Besides the obvious question How can a bag which has its owner’s name on it go missing for five days?, there are a number of other points and suggestions I’d like to make:

  • One should never underestimate the impact of lost luggage. I am an experienced traveller, was in my home port, other than clothes and some small gifts there was nothing of real value, and I had travel insurance – but it’s still a pretty awful experience. I didn’t feel as though I’d arrived home till I got my bag. Would have been much, much worse if it had been the beginning of the trip
  • While some of the agents I spoke to were empathetic and helpful, many (especially in the first few days) were not. I felt I was being a being a nuisance and was “bothering” them.
  • In spite of asking many times, the actual process of locating the bag was never explained to me. In fact, I’m not even sure if there was a process!
  • It was up to me to contact Qantas each day
  • I understand compensation is a separate issue, so I make no comment about that. I also understand that bags can be lost for a variety of reasons, and make no comment on how to avoid them being lost in the first place.
Suggestions for Qantas to improve customer experience

  1. Recognise how disconcerting it is for passengers when Qantas loose their luggage.
  2. Train customer-facing staff to realise that the fault is with Qantas, not the passenger!
  3. When the lost luggage is reported, give the customer a detailed description of the process used to locate the luggage. This should be a comprehensive flowchart with decision points, time lines etc
  4. Phone the customer each day with a status update
  5. Consider transporting all lost/unclaimed bags to a central location manned by trained staff who know how to distinguish a name tag from a “Made in the EU” label!!
Quite a story Admin.

By coincidence, I had my first lost bag in 12 years only last week. And yes involving QF, but the fault lay elsewhere.

But, my experience was completely different?

To sum up my experience from last week, on my way home to MEL, from LIM via SCL. LIM-SCL is Latam (still referred to as LAN Brasil) JJ6816. then QF28 SCL-SYD, needed to collect bags of course before final flight to MEL on QF477. I have a bag which is unusual. Unusual in that in the 10 years I've had it and travelled hundreds of airports, I've never seen another. Until that day. Kathmandu brand hydrid trolley/backpack 90lt in size, Its been brilliant everywhere. Never really used it in backpack mode, but thats irrelevant. Arrived at SYD, through immigration, walk to carousel and I see "my" bag! Great:)

Pick it up, immediately see its not my bag. Another label, and tagged through to Perth. How weird, I think, never seen my bag anywhere before. No matter!

Anyway, puff piece over now. I wait and wait and wait... no bag, tell QF Rep near carousel, as I have to catch my flight to MEL, tells me to inform baggage services at MEL once arriving, but check the carousel anyway, in case of a mis-pick.

Get to MEL, casually watch carousel, not expecting my bag at all of course suspecting its somewhere in transit. Wait till carousel stops, sitting alongside a lady who I discover was told the same thing, albeit a different flight. We go to baggage claim, rather disinterested man, says, "'t see this number tomorrow...use this reference number...nup... can't help please" My new friend gets the exact same treatment. Uffff!

I bid her good bye and good luck.

Next day, call QF baggage services expecting much the same. I'm pleasantly surprised to encounter a terrific lady who reveals all. Makes no promises but says she will do her best. I got 4 unrequested call backs on the status of the bag over the next 4 days. Brilliant. Turns out for some unknown reason the bag, although tagged correctly was never put on the original flight LIM-SCL, but another flight 4 hours later. Although it made it to SCL in time to be transferred to QF28, it never was and there it remained for 4 days. Despite constant reminders to LATAM to put it on QF or Latam to SYD.

I was kept up to date via phone and SMS at least a couple of times every day. And the bag was returned 6 days late, but in pristine condition and intact. I cannot fault baggage services , apart from the initial guy at MEL. But, I did notice that the website was not updated, despite calls to the contrary, every time I logged the reference number, nothing changed. But when I called the information was complete and forthright.

In fact this morning I had sent an email to QF stating my positive thoughts about the experience. But noting the failure of the website to update.

So, my experience was generally very positive.

In 2017 I think a better option of a call would be accurate/ up to date information offered via online functionality / APP or SMS. It appears to be a common issue where systems like world tracer appear to have old or inaccurate information
Not quite a lost luggage situation, rather the Qantas QF 63 flight Sydney to Joburg on 10th February 2017 unloaded everyones baggage at Sydney before the flight and said they would send it the next day. This was due to first taxiing out for the flight only to have Qantas discover a fault with the brakes so they returned to gate for this to be fixed. Of course we would all rather faults get fixed prior to flying lol!!! After two hours of updates they deiced at 2pm to unload all passengers unti 4pm as it was too hot for the plane now after sitting there two and half hours. (it was 40.9 deg at the airport).

When all passengers returned at 4pm we were told the only way to fly that day was to leave all the luggage behind and forward it next day. There was nothing anyone could do! It wasn't Qantas fault it was too hot. Of course everyones logic was that how could the next days flight take double luggage.

The staff were great, the steward onboard (we were PE having not gotten our business upgrade we wanted......) said had never had this happen in 21 years. Anyway we finally took off five and half hours late. They gave each of us a letter stating what had happened in case needed for claims. On arrival Joburg it was fairly chaotic for the ground staff with multiple questions, re missed connections, and like us, we had our had luggage which was my handbag and husbands bag for passports and the like and our ipads, nothing else. When asked our nationality (Australia) we were told we could spend $60 each for essentials and keep receipts to claim.

Next is where the problem lies. We were never contacted once by Qantas to update our status. We made many calls and eventually were given a claim number, but only ever got info when we called them. Of course they had luggage from 300 people to deal with I get it. Our bags eventually arrived on Tuesday 14th to our hotel in Capetown. I have kept all receipts and now hoping to claim from Qantas. However my husbands occupation entailed needing more than just $60! As he is a Pastor and was preaching at two churches services the Sunday plus other engagement. 1 set of comfortable travel clothes were not sufficient. We bought the bare essentials to get us through, but it was still more than the $60!

Now begins the quest for reimbursement!!!! I might add the passengers and crew were all excellent about it all. Not one grumble did we here from anyone getting irate and the staff were obviously under a lot of extra pressure, plus te logistical nightmare of rebooking flights, organising hotels for those missing connections etc. Have since heard the suggestion that the rest of the cargo that would have been taken would have been more valuable than the customers luggage hence that got left behind first. Whether this is true or not I don't know. someone else can enlighten us.

I thought I’d share my recent experience with Qantas regarding lost checked-in baggage. I’m hoping that Qantas will see this thread, and note some of the suggestions I make.

I returned from a short overseas trip last Monday evening, flying Qantas. Luggage was checked in in Cape Town (with a Priority Tag as I was travelling Business Class) by BA and tagged to Melbourne, via Johannesburg and Sydney. I know Jo’burg is notorious for luggage pilfering, so was relieved that my luggage arrived safe and sound in SYD. I cleared customs, and rechecked it in at the Seamless Transfer (sic) desk for the final leg to Melbourne. Arrived in Melbourne a few hours later, and – you guessed it- no bag!

I reported the missing baggage, gave a detailed description of the bag, and was given a file reference number. The bag is very distinctive. It’s a Samsonite, bright lime green with yellow markings and a blue AFF Supersmart tag. It’s also got my name on it – not on a tag, but in a special label compartment that cannot come off.

At this stage I was pretty confident that my bag missed the connection to Melbourne and would be delivered to me later that evening or the next day. I wasn’t that fussed: the bag survived a long layover in Johannesburg, I was home and there was nothing in the bag that I needed immediately. There was also nothing of real value, and I did have travel insurance.

What happened over the next few days has shaken my confidence in the Qantas lost baggage process, the quality of (some) of their staff, and the way they handle their customers..

Day Two (the morning after I reported lost bag)

  • I checked, bag not found
  • I then called the 1300 number. When the phone was eventually answered I was advised that the bag had not been located. I was asked and gave another description of the bag.
Day Three and Four

  • Pretty much the same as Day Two. Also had to describe the bag again.
  • At this stage I made contact with Red Roo (Qantas rep on AFF) advising them that I’d be writing a report on AFF, and also asking if they could explain the lost baggage process. This has still never been explained to me.
Day Five

  • Called Qantas again. No news on the location of the bag and was advised that the matter has now been referred to a supervisor. Not sure if this was a result of Red Roo’s influence or not
Day Six

  • Got the call I had been waiting for all week, the bag had been found. In Toowonga!! (Incidentally, this was just the 2nd call I’d received from Qantas. I had to make all other calls)
  • The agent was pretty sure it was my bag from the description. But advised that it had a different name on it. The name on the bag was “Madeeu”. That’s not my name – and all I can think it is, is the “Made in the EU” label on the bag! Gotto wonder…
Day Seven

  • Bag delivered to my home that evening

Besides the obvious question How can a bag which has its owner’s name on it go missing for five days?, there are a number of other points and suggestions I’d like to make:

  • One should never underestimate the impact of lost luggage. I am an experienced traveller, was in my home port, other than clothes and some small gifts there was nothing of real value, and I had travel insurance – but it’s still a pretty awful experience. I didn’t feel as though I’d arrived home till I got my bag. Would have been much, much worse if it had been the beginning of the trip
  • While some of the agents I spoke to were empathetic and helpful, many (especially in the first few days) were not. I felt I was being a being a nuisance and was “bothering” them.
  • In spite of asking many times, the actual process of locating the bag was never explained to me. In fact, I’m not even sure if there was a process!
  • It was up to me to contact Qantas each day
  • I understand compensation is a separate issue, so I make no comment about that. I also understand that bags can be lost for a variety of reasons, and make no comment on how to avoid them being lost in the first place.
Suggestions for Qantas to improve customer experience

  1. Recognise how disconcerting it is for passengers when Qantas loose their luggage.
  2. Train customer-facing staff to realise that the fault is with Qantas, not the passenger!
  3. When the lost luggage is reported, give the customer a detailed description of the process used to locate the luggage. This should be a comprehensive flowchart with decision points, time lines etc
  4. Phone the customer each day with a status update
  5. Consider transporting all lost/unclaimed bags to a central location manned by trained staff who know how to distinguish a name tag from a “Made in the EU” label!!
Had a similar experience but it happened at the beginning of the trip (worst case scenario).

Background: In March 2016, I flew from Auckland to Canberra via Sydney. We dropped off our bags at the Virgin transfer counter in Sydney, and upon arrival in Canberra, my checked bag did not arrive (although all other baggage in our party did). I was in Canberra for 3 days, attending and speaking at an international conference, so not having any other clothing or personal items was quite the predicament.

I spoke with a Virgin staff member at the airport who took my details on a claim form and then tore off a corner of this sheet and wrote a number on it to call the next morning. I called the number first thing in the morning (7am) and was told that they had no record of my claim and did not have any baggage matching my Baggage description in the system in either Canberra or Sydney. It appears that none of my claim details were entered into the system. At this point I was not provided with any reassurances that my Baggage could be located or what I could do further, and was told that missing baggage often turns up within three days (I was only there for 3 days). The staff also claimed that they were unable to contact me if my Baggage was found because I had an international number and they were not permitted to call such a number. Many phone calls and anxious days later, my Baggage finally arrived at my hotel at 6.30pm the night before I was flying back to New Zealand at 8am…

I get that these things can happen and so I diligently kept all my receipts of items I had purchased, and once safely home (with all my belongings) I even wrote a statutory declaration and had it signed by a lawyer, as the basic form provided online did not cover the exact circumstances I faced.

I then spent the last 6 months requesting/begging/negotiating/haggling with the baggage claims team. All I wanted was reimbursement for the cost of the items I purchased (less than NZ$1200 – even though my contents were valued at over $4,000). The trip is clearly covered by international law and the Montreal Convention which provides for significantly more than that although Virgin refused to acknowledge this.

The first compensation ‘offer’ I received was for $200. Five offers (and 27 emails) later we got to a higher amount, but they would still not cover the costs I had to spend.

Similar to you, I offered some improvements to Virgin to handle this better because it felt like they had never lost a bag before:
1. Train your airport staff on how to deal with lost/delayed bags and provide them with some material to provide to your customers when such an event occurs (and maybe even a little toothbrush kit to show that you do care);
2. Abide by international law! Don’t try to trick your customers into a negotiation to save a few hundred dollars and forego great customer service and continued loyalty.
3. Resolve complaints quickly and efficiently. Don’t let it drag out for 6 months!

Needless to say, my opinion of Virgin decreased dramatically and I ended up buying a QF Membership to avoid flying Virgin as much as possible now. Such a shame.
I am beginning (understatement really) to wonder whether:

The issues with lost bags AND/or damaged baggage with Q is due to:

  • Poorly trained staff
  • Staff fed up with constant 'enhancements' AKA cost cutting and they've just given up
  • Deliberate action by a few staff
  • Least cost out-sourced baggage handling performing up to the amount they are paid

That is whoever is employed to do the baggage handling in Sydney in particular in my recent experience below.

I had deliberately damaged baggage on flights SYDHNL and reverse. How do I know? I had two bike boxes - one a Qantas branded one and one branded from the bike manufacturer. Both nearly identical dimensions and both made out of cardboard.

I had a 'premonition' call it what you will that my bike would get damaged (hence taking two). So I filled the two boxes with a number of 2 litre (empty) soft drink bottles with the lids 85% or so done up. That way if something hard hit the box or it was dropped then the air could escape under pressure. I filled the spaces between the bottles with a plastic bag filled with all the plastic bags/wrapping etc rolled up and knotted so it was also quite flexible and malleable padding.

In HNL I had to take the box through customs as I was flying onto Kona. The Q box had 5 holes in it - 2 in one side and 3 in the other. Not dents, indentations but total holes. The largest two were big enough that my entire fist could go through, one on each side. The other 3 were about the size of a cup.

The other box was as good as the day it was made.

I immediately contacted the duty manager at the airport before I opened the box for customs so I could not be accused of anything. I had taken step by step photos of the bikes as I packed them to prove they were in perfect condition etc. I did say I had a premonition...

Long story short the bottles had saved my bike frame from damage. Something pointed and sharp had been plunged into the box - several bottles had pointed indentations in them and they were identical to look at.

Return journey

Decided to add some additional padding after repairing the Q box (putting extra cardboard sheeting on the inside of box and flattening in the holes. Two TSA workers in Kona saw the Q box, asked what had happened and shocked they said "We've got some spare cardboard, would you like us to put it on the sides for you?"

I've seen lots written about how bad TSA can be but those two guys were brilliant. The supervisor cycled around 25km to work each day...

Boxes got to HNL in perfect condition. Back in Sydney I got the two boxes and the Q one had 4 holes in it - 2 on each side and yet again 1 large one on each side but this time they were even bigger. The bike branded box - immaculate.

I suffered two more bottle casualties but no frame damage. Odd how the piercing went through three thick layers of 6+ ply cardboard this time. Customs in Sydney called his colleagues over to look at my Q box and asked them what they thought could have done it - nobody could come up with an answer given the consistency of the hole shapes. One piped up she hoped that my better bike was not in the Q box! It wasn't.

Deliberate action by someone

It is too much of a coincidence for the Q box to literally look as if it has been attacked yet an nearly identical non-Q box does not even get a scratch on the same two flights at the same time.

The multiple holes coming on both sides of the Q box on each flight AND the fact that on the homeward flight - to go through 3 lots of at least 6 ply cardboard suggests concerted effort. Try making a hole yourself through 18+ ply commercial grade packing cardboard - it is VERY difficult.

The shape of the holes was like a + sign - on both sides for the largest holes and on both flights. One hole hit the edge of a bottle and shifted sideways down the side of the bottle and made the hole more rectangular shaped but could still see the initial impact.

No forklift or other carriage device has such a design nor a sharp point.
I can’t wait to lose my luggage again

(oh oh – here’s Gary with another weird post.)

I have had lost / missed connection luggage four times in many years of travel. What always seems odd to me is when one piece makes the connection and the other does not.

I like my gadgets and recently upgraded to a new version of LugLoc. Version 1 of these devices were sold on this site, travel shops and even the David Jones travel department. But no longer sold in Australia i believe.

Basically this Luggage Locator is a plastic device as slim as a phone, as wide, but not as tall. Charge it up and slip it inside your luggage, and the battery lasts 30 days. (the app send you a message when time to recharge).

It has two functions - one works via the world wide phone network to triangulate its position. (not GPS because GPS doesn’t work well inside buildings) Using the app I can see on a map where my bag is located, but frankly the accuracy is only down to 1 klm. But that’s perfect for telling the airline staff - “my lost bag is in Brussels not Brisbane – that’s where you need to look

That’s the conversation I am dying to have and worth the $90 the unit cost me! ( there is also a subscription after the first year - annual fee AU$34 )

The second function is based on Bluetooth. Just like those lost key locators it helps you find your bag in a 20m radius. The app warns you when your luggage is about to come out on the conveyor OR your bag is being taken away from you. It might come in handy finding your luggage within a hotel too.

Before you reply with wise comments like “you can’t use a phone like device in your check in luggage” please read up on the facts: its FAA, TAA and FCA approved as safe as it turns off when the flight accelerates.

Dear Admin: I’m indebted to you for this site and all your work. May I post you my spare Lug Loc? - new and unused, for a trial as long as you like?

Nope – I’m not an agent or on commission - but maybe they could be sold here again ?

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Re: I can’t wait to lose my luggage again

Dear Admin: I’m indebted to you for this site and all your work. May I post you my spare Lug Loc? - new and unused, for a trail as long as you like?

Thanks for the offer Gary. But I actually do have one. Unfortunately it wasn't in my case - but safely packed away in my bottom draw at home. Yes, I know!!!!
I had used it on previous trips, but got a bit blasé. "It won't happen to me" attitude. I have now learnt my lesson and won't make that mistake again. It would have made a massive difference if I could have told them to look in Toowong, not Melbourne!
LugLoc is a great product - if you use it!! Maybe you can offer it to another AFFer.
Re: I can’t wait to lose my luggage again

Thanks for the offer Gary. But I actually do have one. Unfortunately it wasn't in my case - but safely packed away in my bottom draw at home. Yes, I know!!!!

By any chance, did your bag have a Q tag/coaster attached to it or in it?

The airlines and airports are aware that baggage is a huge issue, which is why Resolution 753 has been passed. Qantas is a member of IATA, so they'll have to comply.

Believe me, a lot of work is being done in backend systems to get ready for it.

RAM, not sure how long ago your incident was, though I'd suggest in this instance you could've raised your concerns with Sydney Airport. There's CCTV all over the airport, including baggage handling areas.
A lot of reviews of LugLoc I've read say it doesn't work all the time, e.g. on a multi-leg journey it will send a notification after one leg but not after the next. Plus there's a subscription fee which makes it much more expensive than the upfront price.

Nice idea but seems like it's not ready for prime time yet.
View attachment 93344

The airlines and airports are aware that baggage is a huge issue, which is why Resolution 753 has been passed. Qantas is a member of IATA, so they'll have to comply.

Believe me, a lot of work is being done in backend systems to get ready for it.

RAM, not sure how long ago your incident was, though I'd suggest in this instance you could've raised your concerns with Sydney Airport. There's CCTV all over the airport, including baggage handling areas.

Sept and October 2016.
I feel your pain! Lost a bag on a flight to a photoshoot - ADL-SYD-LHR-DUB. Had the client's assistant calling BA & Aer Lingus for a week attempting to track it down - all to no avail despite me describing the bag itself, a specialist, Lightware camera equipment bag and every piece of equipment with their serial numbers.

We were away for about 3 months - it never appeared during that time, nor were we updated on any progress. Bag disappeared in April and we claimed on insurance once we returned from that particular shoot. Incredibly, December 24th that same year provided us with said bag delivered to our door with umpteen luggage tags from just about everywhere on the planet, including Timbuktu!

Still scratching my head as to how it went missing - only one of 8 bags originally checked, and how it travelled all over the world unattended, with no notifications from any of the carrier airlines for almost 8 months.:confused:

On that very same trip, we also had a problem was a security breach at LHR - all bags on our flight were not permitted to be unloaded, and they spent a couple of weeks following us around between Egypt and Brussels. That confused me as well, as another colleague landed on his flight from SYD 10 minutes later and all that flight's luggage was unloaded, go figure.:rolleyes:
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A lot of reviews of LugLoc I've read say it doesn't work all the time, e.g. on a multi-leg journey it will send a notification after one leg but not after the next. Plus there's a subscription fee which makes it much more expensive than the upfront price.

Nice idea but seems like it's not ready for prime time yet.[/QUOTE

The latest version with app is a vast improvement. I’m glad I bought it.
After each leg? Yes it does do that. I left mine in the car for a few days - drove me nuts telling me it had arrived in (suburb)
But even if it failed to notify on landing, you can always do a search. In fact, if luggage didn’t make the flight, that’s exactly what you need to do.
Its not perfect - but it would have solved Admin’s problem in 7 minutes instead of 7 days. and its ready now.

Yes its not free $US69 to buy and $20 p.a subscription (from memory) though a renewal reminder offered a discount. I'm happy with the "insurance" it offers
Re: I can’t wait to lose my luggage again

I had a recent experience that was not lost luggage, but a left behind Fitbit watch on a flight to Singapore on a QF flight. the watch was handed in to Changi Lost & Found but they in their wisdom sent it to Qantas, I was flying out next day at 8 am but the QF office didn't open until after 2 pm. After some communication, the Qantas staff offered to post the watch to me at no cost. I received the watch a week later in good order. So I thought it would be nice to read a good news story. It's nice to know that people are still important and not the red tape and profits. The staff were friendly and followed up with me continuously.
Re: I can’t wait to lose my luggage again

Strangely, I just had my first lost bag in 40 years of flying, last week.

Flew out at 0545 with my 3 children (10-17) PER - SYD and was driving on to CBA... but our bag never arrived at the carousel at 1100. The one suitcase for four of us...

Went to the baggage services where they took all the details of the bag, and where I would be in CBA for the next four days. I was assured they would find the bag, and on forward it. By 2000 that night had heard nothing. All our winter wear as all in the lost bag. And medication. And chargers...

Phoned the call centre, and was put on hold, then asked all the same questions again - almost like my report was never in the system.

The lady put me on hold, and eventually advised the bag was sitting in PER still - sans destination and ID tags. No attempt had been made to match it up to a very specific ID report made 9 hrs earlier.

I was then told the bag would come over on the red eye - at which point I confirmed it then needed to be sent on to CBA... slight pause, but this detail was then recorded. I asked about emergency toiletries and winter wear and was told that as the bag was not missing for 24 hrs , I wasn't eligible.

So the next day, the four of us got back into clothes we'd been in for 18 hrs - and underwear we'd slept in, so had been wearing for 36, and started the touristy stuff we had planned. Four polecats from WA. At 1000, QF CBA advised they were sending the bag to our hotel, and it was delivered just shy of 24 hrs late.

If I had not chased it up at 8pm that first night, I think it would have been 2-3 days before it was matched to my report.

Whilst it's a one off in 40 years, and I know it happens - and other have lost their bags for a lot longer - I have to admit I was pretty non plussed how QF handle the situation.

(yes, I did have travel insurance, with a $100 excess - so if the bag had not shown on Day 2, it would have been worthwhile spending the money and claiming it back - but I'd still have been out of pocket $100)
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