The walk itself was short but challenging due to the cold. My feet started getting really cold. There was time for a few pics with Olive the lead reindeer with Buttercup deciding that she wanted to be in on the action as well.
After that, it was into Jane's house where she had hot drinks and homemade cookies that she had baked that morning. I was well and truly ready to go inside by then. Jane then spoke for what seemed like a bit too long. The first half of the talk was interesting about the reindeer and their antlers (she handed around some antlers - you are not allowed to touch the reindeer on their antlers), but then it dragged on a little. BY the end I was ready to call it quits.
Don't get me wrong...I enjoyed the tour. Was it worth it and would I recommend it? Yes. But in hindsight we should have used that day to go out to Chena Hot Spring to maximise Aurora viewing opportunities. I can recommend the tour though, especially if you have young kids - they will love it.
Back to Fairbanks we went - a drive of about half an hour.

When we got back to the hotel, I checked the aurora forecast and it wasn't good news. Full cloud cover that night meant aurora viewing would be 'poor'.
We went out to dinner at Lavelle's where I had those buffalo wings previously. The 10-minute walk from the hotel to Lavelle's in -22 degrees was painful. Literally painful. **** it was cold.
We got a taxi back. Thankfully cab drivers are used to very short trips here.
Tomorrow we were going dog sledding and were getting picked up at 11.30am so another good opportunity for a sleep but we both resolved to get up at regular intervals and take shifts in checking the aurora forecast as we wanted to be able to get out of town if the aurora flared up and the clouds cleared.