North to Alaska

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And a nice, safe landing after another very smooth flight. Barely any bumps or grinds let alone turbulence. We flew a bit higher on the way back, but it still took an hour from wheels up to wheels down.

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And... tah dah! My Arctic Circle certificate. I have officially been to the Arctic Circle.

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Would I recommend this trip? Hell yes. Was incredible. Cost wasn't too bad either, $650 Australian, which for that experience, I thought was fairly reasonable although no SCs or loyalty bonus with Arctic Air :p
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We arrived back at the hotel at around 5.30pm.
With our aurora tour starting at 9pm and a flight at 6.30am to Seattle, we were faced with a conundrum: have a nap; have dinner; get pissed. Well, like the young girl on the Old El Paso ad, why not have both? (or in this case, all three).
First thing I did was go to my room and get all those layers off (for the second time today - haha!)
Arranged to meet SIS downstairs at 7pm and we were keen on heading back to Lavelle's for some salmon.
That gave me and hour. I packed most of my things and headed down to the bar to tell Steve that we wouldn't be needing his services, but to thank him anyway.
The beer tasted good downstairs. Heck, I'd been to the Arctic Circle. It's not every day you can say you've done that. Steve was great about it.
SIS turned up right on 7pm and I'd had a few beers and tipped Steve very generously and gave him my RIchmond guernsey that I'd worn at Coldfoot that day. He was stoked (no pics though, wish I'd gotten one with him wearing it).
We went to Lavelle's and I had a nice crumbed salmon and a couple of pints of craft beer.

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We made it back to the hotel around 8pm (a quick dinner) and I had a nice hot shower and dressed for our aurora viewing tour.
Went back to the bar at 8.40pm and had a few sneaky beers before SIS arrived at 8.55pm and out shuttle out to North Pole (yes, North Pole) arrived.
I was a little bit tipsy at this stage, which probably wasn't the wisest decision.
We got the homestead at North Pole just after 9.30pm and the possibility of aurora viewing was much better than the previous nights we were told.
The home was warm and there were free soft drinks, juice and snacks on a help yourself basis. Thank god there wasn't free beer. I'd had enough.
After a few hours of waiting, the aurora started being active, so we rugged up and headed outside quite excited.
We were out there for a while and I'm not going to lie or pretend it was mind blowing because it wasn't. The aurora was out and we saw them, but it was weak and it was all but gone in half an hour. We retreated back indoors (man it was cold out there) undeterred as we still had some time left. There looked like a few stages where it would come back out, but alas, it didn't.
I managed to get a few very poor quality pics on my phone (tip, invest in a decent camera if you want to photograph the lights).

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It got to around 2am and it was time to head back.
Well, you can't fight Mother Nature. At least we could say we saw the Northern Lights, although it was much less than we wanted.
We got back to the room at around 3am and with a 6.30am flight to Seattle, we decided to meet downstairs at 5am at the latest to out to the airport.
I didn't know whether to stay awake or try and catch an hour's sleep. In the end I decided that an hour was better than none and I set my watch alarm for 4.15am.
I managed to get a few very poor quality pics on my phone (tip, invest in a decent camera if you want to photograph the lights).

That was the big take home tip from our Tromsø Nth'n Lights experience last year. We had a guide with photography benefits - because of that we have stunning photos.

Really happy you got to see them - great stuff!
Beep, beep, beep, beep...

That wasn't the sound of my alarm. That was the sound of my room phone ringing.
I awoke to the sound of it. I was out of it. I didn't know what was going on. It stopped, I went back to sleep. An hour couldn't be up already could it?
beep, beep, beep, beep, beep...

No it's my phone again. I glance at the time and it's 5.07am.
panic strikes. I leap out of bed and discovered my bags not even packed and clothes strewn around the room.
I quickly throw on some clothes and pack my bag as fast as I can. I leave my snow boots behind. Just don't have time.
Where has the time gone. Why do I feel so coughpy? This can't be happening.
SIS is angry and annoyed and rightly so. On my way down in the elevator I meet a handsome African American man who was coming up to get me. He was front desk staff and had been sent by my sister to find out what was going on.
I get downstairs somehow at 5.20am, 70 minutes before our flight. We haven't checked in.
Into a cab and we get to the airport at 5.45am and check in minutes before closure.
Security is long and we wait in silence.
I'm hungover but not through alcohol. I have drank far more than I did last night and felt fine the next morning. I am sleep hungover. The result of 80 minutes sleep and then being woken abruptly.
Finally we get through security and the last remnants of boarding is taking place.
We made it.
How I don't know.
I'm dazed. Confused. I desperately need coffee...but I preferably need more sleep.
I line up at Starbucks as the line for boarding is receding fast. I am no closer to where I started as the last people board the flight. My sister has abandoned me now and that's OK. She shouldn't miss her flight because of me. In the end, I just can't wait any longer and I leave the line and am the final person aboard the aircraft. God I NEED coffee.
I take my seat in 2D on this Alaska Airlines flight 126 to Seattle.
I am apologetic to my sister. She kept her end of the bargain, but I didn't keep mine.
Luckily we are close and my apology is accepted.
I sit in my seat and all i want is coffee. At this stage I don't care if it's Nescafe.
The FA comes around with a tray full that coffee? I expected water or juice, but no, she has mugs of hot steaming coffee.
"Would you like a coffee sir?" she asks me.
Oh my god. A mug. A proper mug and hot coffee. I gleefully accept. I am instantly OK again.

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Flight takes off on time and I settle in to my nice seat and await breakfast.
Eventually it arrives and I am asked if I want another cup of coffee. "Yes please" I can't quickly enough.
Breakfast consisted of a waffle, which was only mildly edible.

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I'm past the point of caring now. After the meal service, I recline my seat and doze off.
I am happy we made the flight. Sad that I made my sister stress and sad and happy at the same time. Sad that my Alaska journey was now over. But happy because I am spending a night in Seattle before heading home while SIS spends a few extra days in Portland staying with friends.
I put on my Bose QC25s and drift off to the sounds of Keith Urban. I would sleep pretty much the whole three hours to SeaTac.
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A video of our landing at Coldfoot. (having trouble uploading, can someone let me know if this is visible?)


I think I would have need more than Valium for that landing - really enjoying this - love your enthusiasm
It's flights like those that you do appreciate being in a bit more comfort. I dozed on and off and before long we arrived in Seattle.
SIS was heading off on a connecting flight to Portland to visit friends for a few days while I had an overnight in Seattle before heading to LAX tomorrow.
Waited for SIS when I got off the plane and we hugged and said our goodbyes. It's not often you get to experience a once in a lifetime trip with a sibling. It was very special.
Onto the train that carries people between terminals. I found this to be pretty interesting. It was the same at Denver airport. You pass security and then you need get a train to the terminal you are flying out of. It's all very effecient.

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My bag was off the carousel early and I headed outside.
It was positively balmy at around 7 degrees celcius. It felt like summer.
I jumped into a limo which was a $45 flat rate into downtown.

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Tonight I was staying at the Best Western Pioneer Inn Downtown. I arrived at around noon and was desperately hoping for an early check in.
To my gratitude it was granted and I ventured up to my very, very small room.

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I didn't know whether to nap or head out, but I was extremely grateful to have a nice hot shower.
The room was positively tiny, but it would be perfectly adequate for a solo traveller for one night.
Did you order one of these?

I don't follow the NFL, but I decided that I had to pick a team anyway and the Seattle Seahawks were to be my team. I went shopping and bought a cap and a T-shirt at Macy's. Upon paying and leaving the shop, the alarms sounded and I stood and waited but nobody batted an eyelid so I continued walking and went back to my room.
After getting back to my room I discovered the security tag was still on the cap. They are impossible to get off without damaging the goods, so I walked all the back and when I entered the store the alarms went beserk again. And again, nobody did anything. So much for security. I got to the desk and produced the receipt and the cap and the tag was removed. I was free to leave.
By now it was late afternoon and what does one do on the final night on holiday? I pushed through the exhaustion barrier and had a couple of beers nearby.

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I walked back to the area where my hotel was. If anyone is staying here, be careful where you end up. There are a few alleyways that are very sketchy.
Anyway, there was a decent bar next door to where I was staying and there was a really good Mexican place just a block away. I grabbed some takeaway from there and had a couple of beers at the Pioneer Square Saloon and called it a night.
Back in 'warmer climes' I had every intention of getting up early for a jog along the seafront, but a combination of extreme fatigue and extreme fatigue mean I woke up late.
As my flight to LAX wasn't until 2.45pm, I phoned reception to ask for a later checkout but all they could offer me was 11.30am which, however, was accepted gratefully.
I lazed around in the room until it was time to shower and head off.
I called a town car and soon, we were off to SeaTac.
A tinge of sadness overcame me as my holiday had almost come to an end. I also realised that my upgrade from J to F hadn't come through and at less than 12 hours before the flight, I wasn't confident it would.
Out to SeaTac and checked in. For some reason I was flying economy (or main cabin as the US likes to call it). Not sure why I didn't book first like the other flights. Anyway, it mean I had to pay $25 for my bag and no lounge access.
Once past security, to my horror I realised I had left my passport pouch at the curbside check-in desk. I had my passport with me and all the pouch contained of value was my Australian mobile SIM card. I decided to go back and get it seeing as I had plenty of time. I asked the woman at the security line if I could make my way back out to retrieve it and she said: "Sweety, with that accent I will personally escort you there and anywhere else you want to go." I guess that meant a yes. My pouch was there (lukcy I tipped the guy a few bucks) and I made my way back through security where the lines were quite short, so no harm done.
Today I was on flight Alaska Airlines 472 with seat 13D chosen. It would have to do. Flight was on time and I spent an hour at the bar in the airport talking to a lovely gentleman from NYC who had been in Seattle for a wedding.
The view from the other side.

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When the trolley service started (no cash accepted on Alaska, just card) I decided to snack on the Mediterranean Tapas box. This was the strangest thing I have ever eaten on an aeroplane. It contained:

a few olives
a small tub of hummus
dried apricots

I was famished, so I finished it, but it was oh so very ordinary. It cost $6.

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So to complete the 'ordinaryness' of this meal, I also ordered a very ordinary drink.

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Flight time was pretty much spot on two hours from wheels up to wheels down.
Back in LA LA Land.
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Arrived at LAX and had a short walk around to TBIT. I walked to the Qantas line and it was already lengthy for Y and I was about 6th in line for Business. The time was around 5.35pm and check-in didn't start until 6pm.
After what seemed like an ice age, I checked in and my upgrade hadn't come through but was told that it could happen anytime up until your BP scanned. Still, I didn't hold much hope.
At 6.10pm I still had a heap of time and there was only one thing to do. Walk to In-and-Out.
I walk fairly quickly and it only took around 20 minutes to get there.
I was looking forward to this. The place was packed.

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A Double Double and Animal Fries please.

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As packed as it was, there was nobody sitting outside under the flight path. With the temp in the mid teens I wasn't cold after what I had endured in Alaska so sat out there and watched a few planes coming in to land while filling my belly.

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After stuffing my face and then walking back to the international terminal, the priority line worked its magic and I was through security fairly quickly. Didn't have to take shoes off here. Weird.
I had US$8.25 in cash left so before heading up to the OneWorld J Lounge, I found a bar and had a $7 Bud Light and left the rest as a tip.
Up into the J Lounge where I enquired about my upgrade and it hadn't come through so I'd lost all hope. Was told that names would get called around 9.15pm so not to completely give up.
Into the lounge where I had a beer and some Champagne, before deciding to book a shower. The wait time was around 20 minutes.

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The shower was good, although no deoderant. I hoped I wouldn't stink.

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I noticed the person before left a couple of dollars as a tip just before it was taken away. As I literally didn't have a penny left, I couldn't do the same.
Another 45 or so in the Lounge to enjoy some wine before boarding.

I noticed the person before left a couple of dollars as a tip just before it was taken away. As I literally didn't have a penny left, I couldn't do the same.
Another 45 or so in the Lounge to enjoy some wine before boarding.
There was quite a long thread here a while ago about the 'touting' for tips (by leaving some cash there as a hint for others) in the lounge bathrooms and whether it was appropriate or not. From memory I think the consensus was that no tipping should occur.
After stuffing my face and then walking back to the international terminal, the priority line worked its magic and I was through security fairly quickly. Didn't have to take shoes off here. Weird.
I had US$8.25 in cash left so before heading up to the OneWorld J Lounge, I found a bar and had a $7 Bud Light and left the rest as a tip.
Up into the J Lounge where I enquired about my upgrade and it hadn't come through so I'd lost all hope. Was told that names would get called around 9.15pm so not to completely give up.
Into the lounge where I had a beer and some Champagne, before deciding to book a shower. The wait time was around 20 minutes.

I noticed the person before left a couple of dollars as a tip just before it was taken away. As I literally didn't have a penny left, I couldn't do the same.
Another 45 or so in the Lounge to enjoy some wine before boarding.

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At around 9.15pm on the dot, three names were called out to go to the front desk and my name was one of them. Woo hoo!
I went up to the desk and found out that the name had the same surname as me but not the same Christian name. It wasn't me after all. Boo hoo!
Never mind. I'd flown F three times but never in J and was actually looking forward to testing out the J experience. I was tired and after eating I was planning on sleeping anyway. I'd need a decent sleep as once I landed on MEL I was heading straight to cricket as we needed to win our final game game to make the finals and as I was the best bowler for our team (yeah I'm not humble), I wanted to play.
Soon enough boarding started and I handed over my BP, hoping to hear a beer when it scanned but no such luck. It is what it is.
I took my seat in 13D in the mini-J cabin. The screen between seats didn't do much to block out the person next to me.
The PJs were handed out and shortly after take off, I changed into them. They were just as comfy as the F ones.

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I was asked what I wanted for a meal, but told the FA that I had already ordered from Q-Eats. She returned seconds later to confirm that this was indeed correct and set my table.

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I settled in to watch Independence Day: Resurgence with some nice wine.
I'd pre-ordered the snapper and it was very nice.

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It was followed by a toffee mousse which was absolutely scrumptious.

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After the meal, I tried to watch the rest of the movie but was dozing off so I had my bed made and went to sleep.
I slept on and off for about six hours, but the bed was quite uncomfortable. I didn't having the sloping problems that others have reported, but it was lumpy. I guess that's what you get when are used to the F bed.
A few hours out from Melbourne it was time for the breakfast service and by this stage I was quite hungry for some reason. I ordered the hot breakfast and the cold one as well.

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Before long we landed in Melbourne and hour late due to a late departure from LAX. We sat on the tarmac at LAX for an hour due to the aircraft before us having mechanical problems.
It was touch and go whether I'd make it to cricket on time.
Overall I found the soft product in J quite good. I enjoyed the food more than I did in F on the way over, but hard product is not great. The bed was actually quite uncomfortable. Service was good though.
Once off the plane I made a mad dash to the passport kiosk, but then the automatic doors had a long line and of course people who simply had clue how to use it and true to form, there was nobody there to help.
Eventually I made it to the bag carousel but my bag was one of the last ones off. Then another line to actually get out of the place.
To cut a long story short, I made it to cricket with 10 minutes to spare. Playing cricket was probably the best thing I could have done. Kept me active in the sunshine took two wickets and had as 'normal' a day as possible, which really minimised jetlag in the days to come.
We ended up winning the following week in an absolute cliffhanger, but lost our semi-final the following weekend.

That's the end of my TR.
I would return to Alaska in a heartbeat, but I have many other places I want to visit such as Iceland and Japan.
Highlights were (in no particular order):

Denver - a nice city with a good vibe
The flight up to the Arctic Circle - such a surreal experience
Dog mushing
Steve the barman's wonderful offer to take us to the see the Aurora Borealis
Getting asked for ID at a 7-eleven when buying one can of beer
Travelling with my sister
Being in -28 degrees
Seeing it snow in Anchorage

I hope you enjoyed this TR.
Til next time.
Nice job.

F out of LAX is nice, but nowhere near as good as F heading to LAX.
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