I guess the memo would have read...'make a mistake, pack your bags'.
Well, I see that as a union giving the media a load of what was generally manure. But, throw enough and it becomes fact.
-- As a consumer though listening to someone that has worked on the planes directly has a pretty powerful impact. She was getting it direct from the source and I didn't have any reason to question the information she was telling me.
ANZ didn't do that, it just happened to be one of their aircraft. The pilots were from the company that had leased the aircraft. There was an ANZ pilot in the coughpit, but not in a control seat.
-- It seems a few things went wrong that day.
Final moments of Air NZ test flight | Stuff.co.nz
Well, one would have thought that being able to carry out a go around, during reasonably fine conditions wouldn't present much of a problem. I think you have your danger points mis-targeted.
-- I'm accepting of certain things e.g. Air Rarotonga apparently doesn't have a good safety rating but they're my only way of getting from Rarotonga to Aitutaki. I've flown them before and always feel nervous but boating isn't an option. Garuda would be my choice from Bali to Lombok/Gili islands over taking a boat. Apparently they didn't have good ratings previously (maybe still according JACDEC). I haven't had much time recently to try and find the report on the EK incident but did find this
Nocookies | The Australian
It is the airlines culture that makes them safe or not. Sometimes they can just be unlucky...a good airline having a bad day. Equally some that I consider inherently unsafe manage to be lucky...but you know that luck eventually runs out.
To be honest, reading your comment makes me think that you are dismissing the negatives for people you want to fly with. Perfectly reasonable, but think about it.
-- I think that's a reasonable comment. But keep in mind as a consumer I only know what I have access to which is basically the internet and whatever pops up on the first google page. I'm assuming as a pilot you have access to different information behind the scenes or if you catch up with other carriers crews if you stay at the same hotel or people change airlines they work for etc. For me to dismiss carriers it has to be either a really bad major event (e.g. planes going down but also the reasons why), or an accumulation of less severe events. If I read of good things as well then it can balance out the overall picture for me. The carriers I'm happy to fly pretty much cover the globe although I'll end up on some lesser known carriers as there won't be alternatives some times but I'll do a bit of homework and make a decision based on that who I fly with. It's all I can do. I know one Air NZ pilot (but haven't seen him for 2 yrs), a couple of people that work at a couple of airports in NZ and an ex QF flight attendant. I actually don't really talk to them much about planes - maybe except when I freaked out about my QF plane getting hit by lightning years ago so I called the pilot friend

And before anyone throws mud, I'll admit that QF is far from getting it right all the time. But, the underlying culture is good.