That's good enough for me. Gives a rough indication of magnitude. Thank you.
Ok I've just gone through the files and as our Maldives holiday was not tax deductable, I haven't kept the Conrad statement. In thinking further, the King Beach Villa is what the redemption accommodation was and so there would have been no upgrade cost for that (I think it was 2 nights). We could then upgrade to the Premier Over Water Villa, but could only do so for (I think) 3 nights due to both of them being booked thereafter. We then had the choice of going back to the King BV or upgrading to the Deluxe Beach Villa and we decided to go the deluxe (and I'm soooo glad we did). The wrap up (which still may be wrong as I'd forgotten to set the date on the camera

) is that I believe, (given the fullness of time, a poor recollection and only for this moment in time) that we stayed 2 nights in the King BV, 3 nights in the Premier OWV and 2 nights in the Deluxe BV.
US$800 rings in my head, but so does US$500, so it may be that we paid US$800 for the Premier upgrade plus a further US$500 for the Deluxe BV upgrade as US$800 for all the upgrade nights does sound ridiculously cheap. I've looked back and I can't find any reference to it here (I did think I posted all the details previously), but in case it helps anyone in the coming months, I'll post up my photos of the three types of accommodation we trialled. As said previously, in my mind there is a very, very clear winner ... being the deluxe beach villa. Everything in the photos below are exclusive areas for each accommodation type. There are no shared facilities in any of them and when you see the deluxe, you may understand why it's my favourite!
Welcome amenities and bedroom (which is also the office and dining area).
Refreshment nook - just inside the front door
King Bed - takes pride and place in the main room
Day bed. essential for us as our youngest daughter accompanied us on this holiday. TV is to the left and the office desk to the right of frame.
Office desk
The courtyard is pretty but essentially decorative. It separates the bedroom from the powder room. The connecting hallway is to the right of frame.
The powder room come drying room come vanity. (looking back through the courtyard to the bedroom)
The lavatory. Nothing too flash, but very practical!
The TV