"Vulnerable"?! The route is fine. The connection is easy. If you don't want to wait at the bus stop you can stay in the waiting area at the entrance to Broadmeadows Station which is manned. Broadmeadows isn't a wonderful area, but I've seen nothing threatening in the times I've used this connection. The 902 bus has ample space for luggage usually. Sure, if you're taking two massive suitcases, it might be inconsiderate to other passengers, but otherwise I can't see a reason to avoid this route if time is not of the essence.
NOTE that the 902 stops running pretty early in the evening on Sundays, which is frustrating. Also, transfer times can be long in the evening in general (I recently expected a 29min wait, according to the PTV app, except the preceding bus was 5mins late, so I ended up getting to the airport 24mins earlier than expected
