Do tell?
At least you're not driving one of these..!
The view from my Cairo office.
Another shot from the journey in, some fascinating cars here...
As posted on the chitchat thread.
Well, that wasn't good, went to the shakedown, hadn't even taken a photo as I was changing lenses, I was facing away from the road to protect the camera from rain drops, I heard a noise, looked up and behind me a car had gone off the road hitting spectators. One very serious, 3 or 4 others with serious injuries and several others with less threatening injuries. It Happened less than 30 metres from me.
It was tarmac and it had rained a little, so it was a little slippery, the driver probably had cold tyres as it was near the start.
5 ambulances, 4 fire trucks and 3 helicopters arrived in quick succession.
Of course the stage was stopped.
Times like this makes you realise how quickly things can change, I feel for the driver/codriver, the injured of course, hopefully things turn out ok.