Coronavirus (COVID-19) Panic Buying?


Jul 13, 2006
Indeed, I get the impression Aussies are too busy emptying supermarket shelves to go on holiday!
cheers skip

Not at the supermarkets I frequent. And at Costco, when don't shoppers here have full trollies?

I think it is more that hand sanitiser has a run on.
Not at the supermarkets I frequent. And at Costco, when don't shoppers here have full trollies?

I think it is more that hand sanitiser has a run on.

At nearest woollies yesterday afternoon
  • 2/3 toilet roll shelves empty
  • zero liquid 1L antibacterial hand soap (small quantity of 375ml remaining)
  • zero hand sanitiser (any size)
  • zero antibacterial wipes
  • rice shelf almost empty
Others are reporting no eggs on the shelf at some stores.
At nearest woollies yesterday afternoon
  • 2/3 toilet roll shelves empty
  • zero liquid 1L antibacterial hand soap (small quantity of 375ml remaining)
  • zero hand sanitiser (any size)
  • zero antibacterial wipes
  • rice shelf almost empty
Others are reporting no eggs on the shelf at some stores.

PS: Antibacterial products unless they also have other things in them will not help to kill off a virus.
PS: Antibacterial products unless they also have other things in them will not help to kill off a virus.
That's why most of them say "kills 99.99% of germs" - the four major types of germs are bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa - so I think as long as it says "germs" you're pretty safe.... just looking around the office, the "antibac" wipes here even go on to say which virus they are good for...
At nearest woollies yesterday afternoon
  • 2/3 toilet roll shelves empty
  • zero liquid 1L antibacterial hand soap (small quantity of 375ml remaining)
  • zero hand sanitiser (any size)
  • zero antibacterial wipes
  • rice shelf almost empty
Others are reporting no eggs on the shelf at some stores.
Plenty of eggs here. Normal. Rice - small packets gone of Bismarti brand I like but larger ones and other brands fine. Didn’t see anyone panic buying.
I ordered eggs. If Im going to be holed up at home, Im making cake

Ah ordered? So if getting home delivery why not wait till you are actually hold up for your 14 day isolation?

And with that order you can also get delivered a year's worth of toilet paper which also evidently becomes mandatory for some reason ;)
Ah ordered? So if getting home delivery why not wait till you are actually hold up for your 14 day isolation?
And with that order you can also get delivered a years worth of toilet paper which also evidently becomes mandatory for some reason ;)
Because any time is a good time to make cake :)

And I actually got a $10 off voucher so spent it on toilet paper 🤣
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Friend with a premie newborn just out of hospital couldnt find toilet paper and said the guy in front of him had 3 trolleys filled with toilet paper 😳

Getting ready for the black market 🤔🤭
Friend with a premie newborn just out of hospital couldnt find toilet paper and said the guy in front of him had 3 trolleys filled with toilet paper 😳

Maybe all this time all these End of The World/ Apocolypse/Disaster Movies just had it wrong.

Instead of showing people running about looting and carrying off TV's, Computers, Booze etc they really should have been clutching huge packages of Toilet Rolls. ;)
Maybe all this time all these End of The World/ Apocolypse/Disaster Movies just had it wrong.

Instead of showing people running about looting and carrying off TV's, Computers, Booze etc they really should have been clutching huge packages of Toilet Rolls. ;)

only the multi layer double strength double length softer ones (on special today at woollies for $10 / 12 pack)
'The Australian' is reporting on its site that international airlines are experiencing 'no shows' of up to 50 per cent on flights.

Due to the paywall, I've not read the article but wouldn't many then lose the full fare that they'd paid?
On a ”tight ar_se” radio segment the other day, someone rang in and said they by 4 ply Toilet rolls And separate into 2 x 2 ply.
I can see that wouldn't end well! Clearly people don't value their own time. There is thrift and then there is, well, stoopid.
I don't have enough space to store much Toilet paper. This is just crazy the news sites showing all the Costco trolleys with it.
Not sure if this really is the right thread to post this in, but I see the other comments re dunny paper.

Today when I dropped into a supermarket (Coles) at Sippy Downs on the Sunshine Coast in SE Qld, the entire toilet paper section was completely bare. OMG. It appears the fear of running out of this is spreading quicker than the virus itself.

Now I admit that a few weeks ago we decided to set up a small store of non-perishable essentials - but not through fear of shortages! We just figured that when this thing arrives in our postcode, we could limit our attendance at such public places like supermarkets for a few weeks. Either to avoid the thing or to enable us to self-isolate for the common good if we were ill.

But the panic over dunny rolls that has emerged in the past couple of days just shows how powerful public fears can be, creating a problem where none need to exist. Now I fear that those who today missed out on buying such an essential will buy up huge next time they see the product - extending and reinforcing the problem.....