I got a quote today on very subtle shade cloth blinds for the northern sun that we get and which belts onto two bedroom sliding doors, including the main one, once the sun moves lower into the sky, which is, now for the next 8 months. Might be nice in July but April - May and then October - November it is fierce. Shutters block on the inside but preventing it hitting the windows would be better. We have to be a bit sneaky as BC is a bit cough when it suits them but given they have sat on essential repairs to our balcony since they commissioned a report 12 YEARS ago, if they whinge ill simply mention that in 12 years time, if my repairs have been done now, then that's about the right time to remove them. No one in the actual building will likely even see them. And I can see down into the guy's yard who manages the BC on behalf of the people we pay thousands each quarter to manage, and he has even installed awnings which are as "illegal" as ours so

He is the one most likely to report but I made sure we are very friendly. Keep the enemy close
I promise JT, these shade cloth blinds are appliances as they run on tracks and can be automated and so not OffTopic. (See what I did there).