AMEX not accepted or surcharge

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Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

Unbelievable! Just changing over from Amnet -> iiNet as I'm moving house, and iiNet charges 0% for Visa/MC and 3% for AMEX! :evil: FYI Amnet was no surcharge.
Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

Unbelievable! Just changing over from Amnet -> iiNet as I'm moving house, and iiNet charges 0% for Visa/MC and 3% for AMEX! :evil: FYI Amnet was no surcharge.
You're lucky that you actually found an ISP who doesn't surcharge for Amex! I'm with TPG purely because their plans are much cheaper and include so much more (that and for the same price they also tripled our monthly download allowance in the last 6 months), but their surcharge is 2.75%...

I'm not sure if BigPond has a surcharge, but their plans aren't the best value... But other than that, every ISP I've looked at has some kind of surcharge. I understand that generally the IT industry's margins are quite small, which is why most IT-related businesses surcharge - but I wish they would just surcharge the *difference* between what they pay for Visa/MC and Amex, rather than passing on the full fee...
Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

My travel agent has reduced their AMEX surcharge from 3% down to 1.8% which is now the same as VI/MC


Diners is still 3%, does anyone use Diners anymore ?
Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

My travel agent has reduced their AMEX surcharge from 3% down to 1.8% which is now the same as VI/MC


Diners is still 3%, does anyone use Diners anymore ?

drron does:!:

Surely iiNet is big enough to be able to negotiate a better than 3% surcharge. Not even Hel$tra charges that high, although it has just recently been increased.
Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

The Australian Defence Force does also :!:

Much to the annoyance of many personnel. Apart from the acceptance issues, recently the integration of Diners' IT systems with Citi's led to a significant number of Defence Travel Cards suddenly showing as expired when people tried to use them. Handy when traveling, especially overseas.

Now another DEFGRAM has been issued alerting cardholders of many anomalies with travel and purchasing card transactions recently imported from Diners into Defence's Card Management System.

Back on topic, Amex provided Defence purchasing cards for a period back in the nineties.

Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

My travel agent has reduced their AMEX surcharge from 3% down to 1.8% which is now the same as VI/MC


Diners is still 3%, does anyone use Diners anymore ?
Yes I do and my TA doesnt hit me with a surcharge for using it!:cool:
Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

Diners is still 3%, does anyone use Diners anymore ?
I do!:oops:...because it has the best ratio to TF to SPG at 2 DC: 1 SPG, and I earn 1.5 pts per $ spent!

My credit card use sequence is now:
1) DC
--> 2) Amex
-->3) Citibank Visa Plat

If OS or for foreign cash purchases online: Wizard MC
Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

You're lucky that you actually found an ISP who doesn't surcharge for Amex!
Does 3 count? I am paying 1% for Amex direct debit with 3 Mobile broadband which I think is the same as Visa/Mastercard. I think Optus and Telstra Bigpond are the same.
Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

I am paying 1% for Amex
It would appear not, as they have a surcharge for the main 3 (Visa/MC/Amex), rather than just having an Amex/DC surcharge - although at least you're only being charged what they surcharge for Visa/MC, but a surcharge is still a surcharge :p

I've always thought it funny that Australia has some of the world's highest broadband prices by comparison, and is one of the only countries in the world where the law specifically permits itemised surcharges in all states... resulting in being surcharged just to pay for broadband that is already over-priced (especially in BigPond's case). :@ lol
Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

Shame this board doesn't let you edit posts. The "it would appear not" is to your "Does 3 count?" question, not to the quote as it would seem... lol
Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

Shame this board doesn't let you edit posts. The "it would appear not" is to your "Does 3 count?" question, not to the quote as it would seem... lol

You should be able to edit your own posts for 24 hrs. ;)
Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage


You should be able to edit your own posts for 24 hrs. ;)
Lol well I already edited the first one once, but since then the edit button has disappeared...

And I now realise it's because the forum logged me off before I returned and wrote the second - which is why no "edit" buttons were showing :p lol
Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

I am off to a small country town for a few days next week and used the "Where can I use my Amex Link" on the Amex website...

It came up with NOTHING :shock:

So I rang the hotel to make the booking and asked the dreaded question "Do you accept American Express"

They replied "Yes but we pass the costs onto you, which is around 2.5%"

I told him I am happy with that :mrgreen:
Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

I went to pay my Telstra Bill this morning and behold they have changed their T&C as listed below. Note Amex, M/card and Visa go up to 1% and Diners go up to 2% :!: :shock:

Telstra said:
Important information about Online Billing

[FONT=&quot]Important changes to your payment options[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Telstra offers a wide range of payments options to meet different customer needs.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]On and from 14 September 2009 we’re introducing a fee for use of some payment options which incur higher administration costs for Telstra. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Telstra will apply[/FONT] a[FONT=&quot] $2.20 payment administration fee for each bill payment sent through the mail or made in person at a Telstra Shop or Australia Post[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]The payment processing fee for credit card payments is also increasing on and from 14 September 2009:[/FONT]
·[FONT=&quot]MasterCard, VISA, and American Express will increase from 0.69% to 1% of the payment amount, plus applicable GST.[/FONT]
·[FONT=&quot]Diners Club will increase from 1.68% to 2% of the payment amount, plus applicable GST.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]If you use your credit card to pay your bill in person both payment fees will apply.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Exemptions apply, including pensioner concession card holders. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]To avoid these fees, use an electronic payment option, such as Direct Debit or BPay®, to pay your bill from a cheque or savings account[/FONT][FONT=&quot]. Click hereto find out more. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Direct Debit (previously called Telstra EasyPay)[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Please note that we are progressively renaming 'Telstra EasyPay' to 'Direct Debit' to make it easier to understand when registering and using this payment service. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]The following changes will occur on in the coming months.[/FONT]

·[FONT=&quot]'Telstra EasyPay' will be renamed 'Direct Debit'[/FONT]
·[FONT=&quot]'Telstra EasyPay Automatic' will be renamed 'Direct Debit Automatic'[/FONT]
·[FONT=&quot]'Telstra EasyPay Fixed Payments' will be renamed 'Direct Debit Fixed Payments'[/FONT]
·[FONT=&quot]'Telstra EasyPay by Phone/Internet' will be renamed 'Direct Debit Flexible Payments'[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]As we make the changes, you may still see some references to the old names.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]To register for Direct Debit select ‘Direct Debit’ from the left hand menu in Online Billing. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]® Registered to BPAY Pty Ltd ABN 69 079 137 518[/FONT]
Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

I went to pay my Telstra Bill this morning and behold they have changed their T&C as listed below. Note Amex, M/card and Visa go up to 1% and Diners go up to 2% :!: :shock:
Why do businesses think it is OK to continually increase surcharges on credit cards. This has nothing to do with cost recovery but simply a cash grab. Although a 1% fee sounds a lot better than a flat charge, ala Qantas, Virgin, Jetstar, Tiger etc....
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Re: AMEX not accepted or surchage

Paypal in Australia still bugs me that it won't accept Amex. Paypal US, Paypal UK and I'm sure other Paypal variants do accept Amex.

I recall the original dropping of Amex in Australia was a disagreement with Amex over charging or something like that.

Would be nice to have the option...
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